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chèque d'emploie changes for employers


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I see another thread asking about this method of payment but I don't want to confuse the poster of that thread about these changes as they might not be helpful to him/her.

I have had a recent letter from Cesu saying that I will now benefit from "l'exonération des cotisations patronales de Sécutité sociale pour l'emploi de personnel declaré au Centre national Cesu...."

For this you need to be 70 years old or above.  People who have had changes to their matrimonial situation such as separation, divorce and windowhood are asked to let Cesu know because they will also benefit from this.

There are a load of other charges that you will continue to pay but it's a long list and, at the moment, I am unsure as to how much the exoneration is worth.

I haven't employed anybody this year as yet so I have no answer to my own post!

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I think that this came in last year, but as it was your first year in the system you may have not been covered (or you may have been under 70[:)] )

I think it made a difference but not as much as might have been hoped...

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I had some gardening work done last year, for which I paid the so-called "gardener" €150

I paid a further €70,47 for his CS and will apparently receive €110 tax credit.

So I only wasted €110,47, apart from the cost of the plants and bushes he pulled out or razed to the ground with the strimmer, and the "onions" he "found" and dug out, which was a large bed of autumn crocus.

He came with his female  partner, who didn't charge anything - or do much either, except rake up and remove all the mulch I had put under the hedge to suppress weeds.

That's at least the sixth, and probably the last gardener we'll bother hiring.

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