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I would appreciate any advice regarding the problem 'My printer won't print!' For some unknown reason my printer refused to print out a ticket yesterday, today I wanted to print out some photos, so duly selected them as usual, some 12 I think but the printer would only print out the last 2????? I have tried all the permutations I know to fix it but to no avail, I might add that I know nothing about computers/printers but the tricks which usually work have failed miserably. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks, Mrs Gastines.
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what operating system do you have ... Windows XP, Windows 7 ...?

Also, what kind of printer?

But first off, check all cables and connections.

Shut down PC and restart ... often some glitches can be fixed by restarting the PC and refreshing all system settings.

Try that and tell us what happens, and also your computer system and printer make.
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My first thought is that this is a print queue problem. You have print jobs lined up and something is preventing their output.

Is there a small printer icon in the tray at the bottom of the screen on the right hand side? If so you should be able to access the print queue (a list of documents waiting to be printed). If the queue is stalled, you will be able to resart it, or you can delete all the documents in the queue and start again.

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Many thanks for assistance. After several hours of plugging/unplugging/swearing etc etc. all seems to be;dare I say it;OK.

The trouble with being old I suspect,our granchildren ,early teens, are not intimidated by pressing the wrong button.
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[quote user="Clarkkent"]

My first thought is that this is a print queue problem. You have print jobs lined up and something is preventing their output.

Is there a small printer icon in the tray at the bottom of the screen on the right hand side? If so you should be able to access the print queue (a list of documents waiting to be printed). If the queue is stalled, you will be able to resart it, or you can delete all the documents in the queue and start again.


Always been this problem with me. The spooler/print Q is a hangover from office computers that were configured , for example, to print the Q at night, during the lunch break, at the weekend ,etc,etc. I personally have never in a home environment found the slightest reason to use this administrative complication. All I want to do is to print IMMEDIATELY.

I would suggest that you reconfigure the printer to print immediately without creating a Q. I have a french OS and some of my explanation may border on literal translation, I offer my apologies.

Click on Start/ in right margin of Pop-Up click on Printers/in the Pop-Up which appears click on Printer Icon with RIGHT mouse button/ the contextual menu will appear/ click on Properties at bottom/ in the Pop-Up which appears click on the Advanced Tab at top/ yet another Pop-Up will appear, half way down in the Spooler configuration section, click on Radio-Button entitled  Print document directly on Printer. The Radio-Button for Spooling will disappear.[:D] Click on Apply,click on OK. Job finished.


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[quote user="Quillan"]If you remove the print queue and are say browsing a website quickly and printing of different pages before the first has finished printing what will happen?[/quote]

I dont know! It would never occur to me to disable spooling when I am likely to use the computer in a situation where I am almost certain to create a Q of tasks awaiting use of the printer.

These are exactly the paradigm of spooling logic and should be obeyed.

However I would hazard a guess that the printer wil register as occupied and refuse the task until such time as it has finished the current task; perhaps then a pop-up appears on the desktop informing that the previous task is complete and inviting the submission of another task.

These days with large hard disks and cheap memory keys the chances of me requiring hard copy are remote; in the last year I recollect 6 X monthly Credit Agricole statements for the Hôtel des Impôts and 8 X boarding cards for Mr Ryan.

In the event of wider dissemination of documents I would use the 25 GigaBytes of Windows Sky Drive.

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