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calcul des droits

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Hi all. My husband and I just got the "bill" from the notaire this week. Included was the "calcul des droits" which threw my husband into a panic. He's concerned it's a yearly tax. I explained to him that in all my research I've never come across a "calcul des droits" before and that it must be part of the notaire's fees. I've tried to contact our agent but she's not gotten back with me yet.

To put his mind at ease, would some kind person here please explain what the "calcul des droits" is and tell me that it is a one time fee?

Thank you so much for all your help.


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Calcul des droits is just the Notaire's calculation of the taxes due to the state, the department and the commune. A bit like stamp duty. Paid out of the total Notaire fees.

Here's an example from one of my client's title deed

Calcul des Droits

Base Taxable 74,000      Assiette     Taux        Taxe
Taxe Etat                         74,000       0.2%     148€
Taxe Departementale       74000       3.60%   2664€
Taxe Communale             74000       1.20%     888€
Prélevement Etat              2664         2.50%       67€
TOTALE                                                       3767€

Hope that reassures your husband
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