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£140 a week for all pensioners


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Was not sure where to put this on the forum so I guess here will do.

Reading the DT today it seems the government is looking at doing away with means tested pension payments and setting the pension payment at flat £140 per week. What caught my eye was the the 12th paragraph down "The payment would see each pensioner resident in Britain earn £7,280 a year, with couples receiving £14,560.". There is no further information on non-residents.

Checking the figures it seems there is no more married couples pensions, just every pensioner, male or female gets £140 per week which means married couples will be around £124 a week better off.

£140 a week for all pensioners
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I suspect that EU reciprocal social security guidelines will ensure that if you are resident in France you get the same deal as British residents. Remember that the present system means that those who choose to live in countries without a reciprocal agreement when they retire do not get the annual increases that EU residents, for example, do.

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Will, I so hope you're right about the reciprocal arrangement thingy.  Will we now see an influx of Brits to France who have moved to Oz, NZ, Canada, etc?[;-)]

Anything about "qualifying years"?  Commonsense tells me that you will still get a proportion of the £140, depending on how many years' contributions you have made.

Would still be an increase for most people and that would certainly be cause to get out the bubbly!!!

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I don't believe that this will ever happen. Not for everyone anyway. A little known fact is that people like me on "generous" government pensions receive reduced pensions from our national insurance contributions. They can't really intend to give us the £140 a week as well as our "generous" government pensions can they ?

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[quote user="Frederick"]Its a case of "Thats your entitlement ...it will go up linked to wages each year " .And the thousands of people we paid to work out what you used to be entitled to will have to stack shelves in Tesco .. Thats how its going to work isnt it ?[/quote]

I understand there is another article on the same subject in the DM as well and yes that's basically what they are saying. The money they say getting rid of all these people has enabled them to increase the money and still save a considerable amount. Thinking about the million's and million's that must be involved there must of been thousands of people working out these payments in the past. It makes you wonder.

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I do trust that when this working party reports that they ensure that those of us ladies who have paid in full for the full pension we now get will not loose out, or I will see this as a very retrograde step, though getting rid of the minions of people who are involved in pension credit, working out what pensions are due etc etc, can only be a good idea. 

It seems (as with the 10p rate of tax fiasco) that there is always a small pocket of people who are forgotten in these changes (for 10% tax it was female pensioners not yet 65 - as they missed out at all levels - and the simple thing was to include all those in receipt of state pension as qualifiers, not those over 65, and the balance would have sorted itself as the age of getting pensions for women changed, and become self-exhausting over time, but that was far too simple).

You never know, we might even see lots of strikes a la francaise in the UK because of it (we should be so lucky!!!).

But this is all ideas and pie in the sky yet - and not one of the reports I have seen so far has explained the implications adequately.

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[quote user="Judith"]though getting rid of the minions of people who are involved in pension credit, working out what pensions are due etc etc, can only be a good idea. [/quote]

For 95% of people who lose their job, it is usually a major tragedy, leading to all manner of deprivation. We should be mindful of that, regardless of how necessary a rethink of the process might be. Just a plea for a compassionate view towards to those who will undoubtedly be affected - I have always found the phrase 'getting rid', to be unfortunate in the context of real people.  

[quote user="Judith"]But this is all ideas and pie in the sky yet - and not one of the reports I have seen so far has explained the implications adequately.

On the lunchtime news today, it was said that any such proposal is 5 years away and is just a discussion topic for the moment.

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[quote user="Quillan"]SERPS will go Mrs 'Q' tells me. She for instance, being in SERPS would actually get more than £140 a week.[/quote]

Could you please ask Mrs Q where she saw that SERPS will go. This was a separately funded pension scheme to provide increased benefits to a contracted in person and most benefits passable to their spouses upon their demise.


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[quote user="Hoddy"]I don't believe that this will ever happen. Not for everyone anyway. A little known fact is that people like me on "generous" government pensions receive reduced pensions from our national insurance contributions. They can't really intend to give us the £140 a week as well as our "generous" government pensions can they ? Hoddy[/quote]

Of course it's true......

But council tax will double.........

Fuel will quadruple.............

Everyone will have to pay for their bins to be collected at £10/kilo........


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[quote user="Hoddy"]I don't believe that this will ever happen. Not for everyone anyway. A little known fact is that people like me on "generous" government pensions receive reduced pensions from our national insurance contributions. They can't really intend to give us the £140 a week as well as our "generous" government pensions can they ?


Can you give some detail about this, as it will concern me in the future?

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[quote user="Gardian"]

[quote user="Judith"]though getting rid of the minions of people who are involved in pension credit, working out what pensions are due etc etc, can only be a good idea. [/quote]

For 95% of people who lose their job, it is usually a major tragedy, leading to all manner of deprivation. We should be mindful of that, regardless of how necessary a rethink of the process might be. Just a plea for a compassionate view towards to those who will undoubtedly be affected - I have always found the phrase 'getting rid', to be unfortunate in the context of real people.  

Apologies if this offended, I have been there ie lost  job, more than once, with the last one, two years before retirement, couched as "redundancy" which really wasn't, and how to get a job so near to retirement etc etc, so I do know, but I also know (having worked in the public services both local and national) that there are quite a few who do very, very little for their pay....

[quote user="Judith"]But this is all ideas and pie in the sky yet - and not one of the reports I have seen so far has explained the implications adequately.


On the lunchtime news today, it was said that any such proposal is 5 years away and is just a discussion topic for the moment.  Exactly!!

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[quote user="Judith"]

Apologies if this offended,


Judith .............

You're gracious in your apology, but it's unnecessary.  It was simply a gentle aide memoire to all of us not to forget that ............. well you know very well from your own experience.  Me too.

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[quote user="Baz"]

[quote user="Quillan"]SERPS will go Mrs 'Q' tells me. She for instance, being in SERPS would actually get more than £140 a week.[/quote]

Could you please ask Mrs Q where she saw that SERPS will go. This was a separately funded pension scheme to provide increased benefits to a contracted in person and most benefits passable to their spouses upon their demise.



She says she things she read it in the DM, if she did then it must be true. [;-)]

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