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This year’s income tax


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Thus far there has been no payment demand from the fisc for this year whereas they have always sent their demands regularly, every three or four months in the past.

There was talk some time ago of a tax “year off” with the switch to PAYE but such things seem too good to be true, though it would be nice.

Any thoughts anyone,

Thanks in advance.
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I believe that's true for " unexceptional income " ( pensions, salaries ect) but you should still be taxed on "exceptional income" e.g. one off payments, interest, ect. Called "annee blanche"

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Until this year we were subject to the 3x annual charge based on the previous year's avis d'impôt.

January 15th this year we were charged 1/12 of last years avis and January 16th it was refunded. On the 15th of all the following months a 1/12th has been claimed and, unfortunately, no more refunds.

As for 'année blanche', as far as I'm concerned the deductions this year we have been subjected to represent taxation of our 2019 income which in theory makes 2018 a tax free year.

The avis d'impôt we receive in August should only reflect a charge on 'income exceptionnel' received in 2018 as declared on this years return filed in May. This should, hopefully, result in only a slight addition to what we have already paid this year to cover the 'income exceptionnel' received in 2018 and not the total income of 2018.

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