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IT'S OVER, (at last)


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I have nothing against brain dead morons watching tv to help them numbe the pain of their simple half whitted lives.  What I do dislike more than anything about X Factor id the way it's treated as news worthy by the other media.  It's kind of like the self perpetuating celebrityism where "I will invite you on to my daytime TV chat show and you will become a celebrity then you will be given a TV show all of your own so you can invive me on so I will stay a celebrty".  Famous people famous just for being famous and without any substance.

Sorry for the rant.  Oh, and sorry for the spelling, me spell checker is fubar.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

Can anyone think of a French acronym for Fubar that I can use, I know i will have to explain it to everyone but it might just catch on.

It will have the added added advantage of outing all those who dont actually understand what I say and cant be ar5ed to ask.


SNAFU Chancer, no there isn't but a some of my friends say "la situation est cramé, foutue" (don't know how good our censoring software is but we will see - it's not that rude by the way)

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[quote user="Albert the InfoGipsy"]

[quote user="Cathy"]Saturday night escapism.  Just like the Gladiators used to be.  Great fun - provided you have a British TV.


I bought my TV in Cheltenham but still can't get BBC or ITV. What am I doing wrong?


I think you will find it was made in the far east so is not a British TV .[Www]

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[quote user="Simon Ariège"]Woooooah crossey 67 - it's only a 'light' entertainment TV talent show - not so sure that warrants you insulting the 11m + people that enjoy watching it - for a bit of fun.

Do you remember 'fun' crossey67.......?

Simon (not Cowell)[/quote]

Personally, crossey summed up pretty totally my own perspective.

Was crossey "Insulting the 11 m+ people" or being painfully honest in his analysis?

Sadly, as always, invariably, the truth hurts.

It's not "Fun": it's brainwashing of the people who have undeveloped minds.

And furthermore, it is all part of the great corporate scam: masquerade earning vast and undeserved sums as "Popular Entertainment", leverage the brand for even greater cash: and more cynically, con the dipsticks into spending their own cash to vote on a worthless poll.

In my definition, "Fun" is something I do actively and enjoy doing: not sitting glued to the sofa watching exploiters like Slimon Crawl manipulate the gullible for his own ends.

Escapism and relaxation? Listen to some decent music; read a good book; or get outside and take some exercise.

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 Well your idea of fun may not be everyone elses, and frankly Gluey let each to their own, if people want to watch Simon Cowell, let them if thats what they enjoy. Maybe others wouldn't enjoy your pastimes

I don't really see any need to be condescending just because it's not your cup of tea.....


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Oh dear me Gluestick - what a sad and cynical (your word not mine) world you must live in.......

X Factor is a light entertainment TV programme - why the Orwellian analysis?

I'm pretty sure there are many people out there that listen to decent music, read good books , go outside and take some exercise AND, believe it or not, watch the X Factor.

So, you and crossey67 have the same view - good for you - no need to take the moral high ground and be patronising and insulting. You're right, the truth does hurt sometimes - that's no reason to stick the knife in though!

Oh, and thanks for sharing your definition of fun with us....

Simon-come-lately :-)
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[quote user="Gluestick"][quote user="Simon Ariège"]Woooooah crossey 67 - it's only a 'light' entertainment TV talent show - not so sure that warrants you insulting the 11m + people that enjoy watching it - for a bit of fun.

Do you remember 'fun' crossey67.......?

Simon (not Cowell)[/quote]

Personally, crossey summed up pretty totally my own perspective.

Was crossey "Insulting the 11 m+ people" or being painfully honest in his analysis?

Sadly, as always, invariably, the truth hurts.

It's not "Fun": it's brainwashing of the people who have undeveloped minds.

And furthermore, it is all part of the great corporate scam: masquerade earning vast and undeserved sums as "Popular Entertainment", leverage the brand for even greater cash: and more cynically, con the dipsticks into spending their own cash to vote on a worthless poll.

In my definition, "Fun" is something I do actively and enjoy doing: not sitting glued to the sofa watching exploiters like Slimon Crawl manipulate the gullible for his own ends.

Escapism and relaxation? Listen to some decent music; read a good book; or get outside and take some exercise.


Gluey... I'm with you.

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