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Keys and Gray


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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="Hoddy"]Someone on another thread has highlighted Clarkson making fun of this case and up to a point I agree with him: it is relatively trivial. Having said that, the second-rate position of women in most walks of life is serious and so it's small wonder that women feel that they have to tackle such overt sexism. The covert kind, which keeps them out of parliament and the higher reaches of the professions and industry is more subtle and therefore more difficult to counteract. Hoddy[/quote]

I agree with you last comment a bit but not fully. At the last count there were 144 female MP's to 505 male MP's which means roughly 1/3 are female, just because there are not more women does not mean women are being blocked, perhaps they were either not good enough or none stood to be candidates. I don't agree with positive discrimination just as I don't agree with discrimination, people should always get their job or position purely on ability. Indeed I don't see any logical reason why there cannot be catholic women priests and indeed why they can't rise higher 'through the ranks', a women Pope for example, is not the Queen head of the CofE. Likewise I don't see why men can't join the WI or that whilst girls can join the Scouts boys can't join the Guides.

I saw the thread on Clarkson, he's right in some ways but then a lot of men should be sacked from jobs if you apply the same rule. Lets not forget that this is not a one way problem, I had a member of staff who was subject to sexist comments by a load of women and complained about sexual harassment, we had to move him to another client.

To be honest as PPP said it is a storm in a teacup and lets face it there are far more important things happened in the world so why this should take up so much space on TV and in the papers is beyond me. The thought of Clarkson coming to France is more interesting yet how mundane is that. [;-)]



So the queen became the head of the C of E on merit?

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