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UN, will they, won't they?


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Well, will the Russians and Chinese allow a massacre or not? Each has considerable potential interest in trade and strategic positioning, and, even, military bases in Libya. The Chinese would love the oil and all the nice contracts and the arms sales and the Russians might amuse themselves by stationing a few warships in, say, Tobruk.

We wait with baited breath[:(]

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It reminds me of the two coppers having a fag outside a bar where there is a fight. The younger one wants to go in and sort it out and the old one tells him to give another five minutes by which time it will be all over an they can go pick up the 'bodies'. I gather the 'decision' or vote will be made at roughly the same time as Qaddafi's ultimatum runs out with the last and biggest group of the 'rebels'. It will probably take a few days for anything to get there from the UN anyway although I have no idea what other nations have in the area to enforce any UN decision. To put it bluntly its all a bloody mess and what I am concerned about is our 'lads' being put in another conflict zone and more getting killed when in reality it should be nothing to do with us. On the other hand perhaps there would not have been any of this if it were not for the Sykes-Picot agreement.
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Do we have two carriers and have we any planes to put on them? Just watched the first part of the 10 O'clock news, doesn't look too good. I'm off to bed now so I will see whats happened (re UN) in the morning. I doubt I will have far to look, it will be across every news channel and news paper I suspect.
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Fairy Swordfish engine running, birds nests having been removed under the guidance of the Ministry of Animal Protection. Bag of throwing stones loaded. Carruthers just having the extra half a bottle of 20 year old malt before take off, saying goodbye to his faithful black labrador Nobber ! And with a last look at his lovely partner Thyril, he turns towards the runway to go fight for the free world against the devil. Ah, such times.
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Well Wooly whats it like to be called an 'asset' and be 'deconflict(ed)'. Having thought Jesus Christ what are they talking about I think I understand, I think it means some 'aircraft' are going to be 'withdrawn' from either Afghanistan and Iraq. Honestly what are these people on, some form of drug! So now it starts and lets not forget the mentally unstable old man we will be dealing with who has already said this gives him the right to attack any aircraft including civilian belonging to any of the 10 countries that voted for this ban and take action against him. A 'no fly zone' is a waste of time as it's the ground forces doing the damage so I wonder how long before we will see American ground troops in Libya, six to eight weeks?  I can see all this going terribly 'pear shaped' and Royal Wootton Bassett turning out with more frequency as the body bags start returning. I wonder how much higher the price of oil has jumped today?
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This appears to be a typical committee-style fudge. The UN peace-keeping force in the Former Yugoslavia was demonstrably impotent, even to the extent of looking-on as Srebrenica was consumed.

The half-baked military response (the no-fly zone) leaves the enforcers hamstrung. When it comes to military force there are 2 choices: 1. Do nothing 2. Overwhelming military force. Anything in between is doomed to failure.

Either Qadaffi is bad and is eliminated ot he is left alone. He has now been handed the opportunity to continue ground attacks on his own people and has an excuse to target any of the participating nations - and he has shown little reluctance in the past for ordering attacks.

The only comfort is that the other Arab nations in the region are against the Qadaffi regime and may even contribute to the Air effort.
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At least I managed to get a smile out of this on Red Nose Day. Saif as-Islam is reported as saying the UN resolution isn't fair. He sounded just like one of the adolescents I used to teach. What a pity people's lives are at stake though.

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Well, my former students from Benghazi Uni. may well be amongst those killed, I am sorry to say, those that are still alive that is, after Gadaffi's earlier efforts in sending them into the desert in the middle of summer with a few tools and telling them to build a camp to live in.
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[quote user="Quillan"]

Spotted flying south this morning [;-)] Hey Wooly you missed with that empty bottle of scotch. [:P]





Quillan, that design was supposed to be on the sceret list as one bit of kit we were gonna sell to HMG. But the passenger version has already attracted interest from Ryanair.

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