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Disturbing - Potentially fatal ?


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Yesterday evening there was the usual road accident outside our house ( we generally have two per year, same spot each time !)

I heard the muted thud and thought, 'here we go again'

This time it was a small white car (colour is not relevant) upside down in the ditch a few metres down the road, of course I hurried to help. Some signs of movement in the car but both doors were locked, not jammed as I first thought but actually electrically locked.

As I considered going home to find a hammer to smash the side windows the young girl driver managed to open her window (electrically - no manual winder) and crawl out. Unhurt apart from a scratched finger and a bit of whiplash.

The disturbing thought was that if the car had been (say) on fire and / or the occupant unconscious there would have been an inordinate delay in me getting access, possibly a fatal delay. Equally, had the electrics not stayed live there would have been no recourse other than to wait till I smashed my way in.

Has vehicle technology made life a bit less safe than in the past?
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I think it depends on the age of the car. There was a law (in the UK) bought in about this about 10 years ago which basically said the doors should unlock if there is front or rear contact sufficient to cause possible injury. I believe the triggering is the same system that sets off the airbags. Certainly the last three cars I have had (Mondeo, Discovery and 308) also have sensors for the car inverting. Mind you I have to say I hate going in peoples cars where they lock the doors once your in, the thought of burning to death in the event of an accident horrifies me. My BIL has a Jag and they doors lock when the car is in motion but unlock automatically when the car stops.
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The spiky pointy bit is apparently good for glass breaking, like a centre punch, which reportedly the tool of choice for the scrotes who used one to break our RR window, whilst it was parked in a church car park no less, during a service !!!!!!!
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[quote user="Quillan"]My BIL has a Jag and they doors lock when the car is in motion but unlock automatically when the car stops.[/quote]I hate that too. My Skoda had it but only locked, you had to unlock manually. Never though of turning it upside down to see if that ulocked too though [blink]

Anyway first time I was back in UK with it I visited a pal who had VAG-COM and had him disable it.

This is not a new feature by any means as back in the mid 80's in Abu Dhabi I recall driving a Nissan Cedric (not mine I hasten to add) which had automatic locking. I didn't care for it then either.

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Well it couldn't have been Bugsy as you can see he lives in Vienne- THE NICE BIT!

But speaking of vandalised windows and life's annoyances, is it you two who scream down our valley once a week masquerading as France's defence force - known in our house as "Air" & "Force" ? Last week we only saw "Force", but he was still enough to make the sheep rattle and shake up the fillings in our teeth. So, of you're the guilty party, please put those planes back where you found them and stick to rescuing damsels in distress !!!

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My Airforce days are long past.

The aircraft on the avatar are Vulcan bombers and, as far as I know, never went low level in France.

The French Air Force come out to play around here too, when its fine. Mirages as far as I can tell.
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[quote user="powerdesal"]....

The French Air Force come out to play around here too, when its fine. Mirages as far as I can tell.[/quote]

They scream over me too, in 85.  Maybe it's the same ones and they are ticking us all off on one outing. 

I thought they must be having severe cutbacks, as of recent times there has only been one at a time.  But last week I saw a pair - must be spring...


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