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There are times when the experts should be taken out and shot!


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JK - you might be extremely clever - your medical expertise is not in doubt - but have a few thoughts for the ignorant ones like me.

Are you saying that we should not be made aware of what is being proposed?      Do you think that us ignorant little oiks really shouldn't at least be warned - in the simple language only we can understand - just what is being considered.

I'm sure I don't know the difference between a prion, a neuron, a fluoron and a Higgs Boson.   But I'd certainly like a bit of a 'heads up' when there's dark deeds being considered.    If it's something to be concerned about then we can keep ourselves informed.

If there are plans to affect what we eat, and what is fed to the animals we eat - then surely us little people should be informed of this ?  Isn't it right that we should be able to read about something of concern, in a 'good' newspaper like the Indy or the Gaurdian which gives us an indication that this proposed change is something to watch.   

Public opinion, dear boy, public opinion.     After all the fuss about the AV referendum, it appeared the only ones really interested were the pseuds (or the terribly clever Mensa standard individuals) in certain parts of London, and the airy fairy University lot - that were in favour.

So maybe public opinion, that great uninformed mass of people - ought to have some information about what the 'great and the good' in Euroland are proposing.   Comes back to the argument about Halal meat.    This was being 'foisted' on people - WITHOUT their knowledge;   without knowledge there can't be informed choices.    Or do you think the great unwashed shouldn't have been informed about that as well ?

Trust scientists - not me.    Trust big business - not me.    Trust the EuroKrats - not me.    Trust the media (including our wonderful unbiased BBC) - not me.    Trust Wikipedia - not me.    Trust my instincts, common-sense - yes.

As for '..trust microbiologists rather than ..editors...politicians..'    Isn't that exactly the point ?    It's NOT the microbiologists or the scientists (trust them or not) - it's the politicians who will decide.   Politicians - do you really and honestly trust them ? 


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Whether you agree or not to the proposal is irrelevant. Whether you base your judgements on evidence or some sort of insight is similarly irrelevant.

What is relevant is that the organs of the press do not have a glorious history in the presentation of reseach, not can they resist spreading fear and panic on the basis of, often, nothing other than ignorance.

Thankfully, most major decisions are based on what can be shown rather than what someone thinks ought to be. In the matter of increasing food yield in a world where more than half the citizens don't have enough to eat it would rather proposals were analyzed carefully rather than discounted without evaluation.

But as I say, it matters not since (unless there is a ringer here) what any of us on this forum say will be considered by absolutely nobody in a position of authority.

Anyway, rather than continue a fruitless and ultimately futile correspondence, I shall return to the garden and practice my Indian Rain Dance which, so far, has proved less than wholly effective.
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Thanks JK for your reassuring message.

I have always felt guilty at not being able to donate blood at the local salle de fête; now with your approved bovine dietary supplement I shall soon be able to participate in the blood-letting like a responsible citoyen.

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You could not have better illustrated how the scientific facts are sacrificed at the altar of public opinion. Certainly, unless there are other reasons, you will be no more likely to carry a prion disease than your French neighbour but the system has bowed to the baying mob rather than reason.

Incidentally, if you could be bothered to read my posts carefully you would see that I neither support nor condemn the proposal, merely the alacrity of some to condemn the ''scientists'' based on one shallow newspaper report.
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[quote user="chessie"]
The mere fact that this is being considered shows just how mad the EU and the Eurokrauts have become.

[/quote]I find the use of the word "Eurokraut" racist as it is clearly offensive to any one of german extraction.
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[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="chessie"]
The mere fact that this is being considered shows just how mad the EU and the Eurokrauts have become.

[/quote]I find the use of the word "Eurokraut" racist as it is clearly offensive to any one of german extraction.[/quote]


I agree totally Rabbie - quite unnecessarily offensive and shows a total lack of understanding of the processes in the EU.

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[quote user="chessie"]Tell me JK - just why do you seem to be so in favour of this ?    Why do you think that feeding PAP - an abnormal type of food - is morally responsible when, eventually, it will end up in our food chain ?

What reasons do you have to support this 'new', 'improved' version of animal food ?




I doubt that it has occurred to you - but feeding anything to an animal is unnatural.

[quote user="chessie"]

Remember - it was reported in The Independent......



Oh yeh, and they are the Guardians (or should that be Gruniards) of truth and honest reporting - not.

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[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="chessie"]
The mere fact that this is being considered shows just how mad the EU and the Eurokrauts have become.

[/quote]I find the use of the word "Eurokraut" racist as it is clearly offensive to any one of german extraction.[/quote]

I find it no more offensive than sauerkraut.

I always avoid eating cabbage and particularly imported cabbage.

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="chessie"]
The mere fact that this is being considered shows just how mad the EU and the Eurokrauts have become.

[/quote]I find the use of the word "Eurokraut" racist as it is clearly offensive to any one of german extraction.[/quote]

I find it no more offensive than sauerkraut.

I always avoid eating cabbage and particularly imported cabbage.

[/quote]If you cannot see the difference between the name of an item of food and what appears to be racial abuse then I was obviously mistaken in my assessment of your intelligence. In my opinion it is offensive to refer to an unhappy german as sauerkraut or any other variant of kraut  on a public forum.
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Oh for pity's sake boys - stop the sniping.

'Eurokraut' - slight typing error - should have read 'Eurocraut'  or 'Eurokrat' - whichever.

To find it offensive is really just being much much too sensitive and silly.

It is simply a contraction for the words 'European Union Bureocrauts/burokrats/bureokrots' - you see I can't even spell the wretched word. 

But to think it's rascist is really just too stupid and petty for words.  (Anyway I've never met a sour German - I've liked all the Germans I've met;  and the French, and Italian, and Spanish, and Polish and Greek - everyone's nice if you treat them right....).  

And we're getting away from the original topic with this sniping - and it's not worthy of you all.

Whether you believe the Daily Mail, the Sun, the FT, the Times, the Gaurdian, the Indy - or you don't believe, the original topic did raise legitimate concerns about what our 'friends' in the corridors of powers were considering.    To say that we cannot discuss this because 'we don't understand', or 'haven't read the research papers' really is trying to censor lay-mens' discussion on something that is of concern.    We have a right to have a view on something as important as this;  no doubt we will be more fully advised when our very clever, and scientific and knowledgeable politicians and Eurocrats have made decisions.

But to try to stifle the discussion by being patronising;  to try to stifle a discussion with this pointless sniping about a word which is not rascist is just so childish.

What's the matter with you all - sun fried everyone's 'tolerant' brain sections or what  ?

Come on everyone - lighten up......life's too short - and if this PAP gets the go ahead maybe we'll all become so bovine we won't notice all the stupid decisions and controllery and lies that we are being fed.

And to the rain-dancing squire - sorry sir - you weren't successful - yet another hot, sunny no-rain day !!!

Time for a cold beer and chill-out -


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