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Dead DewGong on Aussie Beach


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I was going to say that they were reef sharks but then I saw the dead dugong at the end so will have to content myself with correcting your spelling instead, strewth! didnt dewgong sound awfull with their accents?

Sad to see another of those fine but rare animals dead, there was one for years in Sulphur bay on Tanna island Vanuatu that used to love swimming with the locals, he was pretty lonely because in all that time he didnt have a partner, his death we believe came about from being too friendly and finally getting mashed by a propellor.

There was also a Napolean wrasse that used to frequent the decompression station for divers on the President Coolidge at Espirito Santo, it was a very deep dive and the decostop could be up to an hour so the dive company gradually created an artificial reef to help pass the time, the wrasse whose name I forget used to visit to be fed by the divers, one year he developed a canceraous lump on his head that grew exponentially and he was not seen again, I often wondered if it was caused by all the processed food that he ate [:(]

I usually dont like to see contact/interaction between man and/or his beasts and marine animals but I guess that sharks deserve to taste their own medecine occasionally.

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