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Impots 2019 declaration - missing boxes


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I've done our tax on line for about 8 or 9 years now, and I've never come across this glitch before.

Boring, straight-forward UK pensions (private final salary + state pension, paid gross in euros) has ALWAYs gone into 1AS/1BA without problem. Now these are grey'd out, and the next possible box is !AM/1BM.

Anyone else encountered this problem.

Bit unnerving to fall at the first fence!


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This reply I had from the Impots regarding some "new" boxes may help you:


Les revenus de source étrangère sont à déclarer sur la 2047 aux rubriques 1 et 8.

A titre indicatif, je vous informe que vous devez inscrire :

à la rubrique 1 :

  • la "old age pension" et les pensions privées sont à inscrire à la ligne "1AM" pour Monsieur, "1 BM" pour Madame.

N'oubliez pas la liste des comptes bancaires détenus à l'étranger à remplir sur l'imprimé 3916, ou sur papier libre, accessible après avoir coché la case "8UU"

Hope that helps.

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Gyn-Paul wrote :

I've done our tax on line for about 8 or 9 years now, and I've never come across this glitch before.

Boring, straight-forward UK pensions (private final salary + state pension, paid gross in euros) has ALWAYs gone into 1AS/1BA without problem. Now these are grey'd out ..

They're greyed out as those boxes are for French sourced pensions.

UK pensions are now put in boxes 1AL/AM and 2BL/BM .. as Weegie says.
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It changed three years ago, so for the last couple of years you have inadvertently being been declaring your pensions as French pensions but it made no difference to the outcome of your tax liability. Now they've tweaked the software which now knows you're not really french...:-)
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Kong wrote the following post at 01 Jun 2020 16:49:

It changed three years ago ..

Now they've tweaked the software which now knows you're not really french...:-)

Possibly because Gyn-Paul had been declaring UK sourced pensions on the 2047 ? (Imagine cheeky grin here)
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They are greyed out because there has been nothing to report by the pension provider. If you were French the pensions would have been reported automatically to the tax office and those boxes would contain the correct pension figure.

Now many French no longer need to complete the tax forms as all their earned and unearned income will have been reported automatically by employees, banks, etc. and their tax will have already been deducted at source. https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/www2/minisite/declaration/declaration_automatique.html?
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pomme wrote the following post at 01 Jun 2020 17:33:

They are greyed out because there has been nothing to report by the pension provider. If you were French the pensions would have been reported automatically to the tax office and those boxes would contain the correct pension figure.

You don't need to be French to have a French pension. My elderly friend taught here after taking early retirement in the UK so she has 2 small French pensions in her 1AS box.

The figures are not always correctly represented in the box either .. French pension providers are notorious for making glaring errors.
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If you are reporting UK pensions you would be doing it on 2047. Pensions declared in the first section are not automatically 'reported' ie copied to 2042 so you have to enter the pensions in 1AL/AM etc as you've noted. If you also have a french pension then you would use 1AS etc as well. If this is greyed out then you haven'e declared that you have a french pension on the page where you declare what you're declaring (I'm not Irish|).
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Thank you all, that now makes sense.I had been putting them into 2047,

Good to know I've been doing it wrong for years now!

So all that remains to do it re-declare 4 UK banks.

I added a fifth one in last year's submission, and this year they seem to have lost the four from the previous year.

Bloody tedious. especially as not one of them generates a penny in interest!
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