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The death of the King Maker


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Wouldn't it be nice if Nato's airfleet could stretch to over the Equator and put that tyrant out of the way. But what does one do with diamonds, you can't really convert them into fuel for your industries, they are only of value to fill up one's own suisse bank vault...

I weeped when I visited this country last Xmas. I first visited it some 20 years ago and at each returning visit, it is in a state of further decline. I have seen massive grain silos absolutely empty, fertile farm land now reverting to jungle/savannah and growing but a few rows of corn and in between that a few plants of marijuana. People on the street are more and more edgy, skittish. Free conversation that we take over here for granted whilst having a coffee sitting in a restaurant, is non existant. Beggars are more vicious. Road infrastructure .... oh! best get to work now or I'll cry a river again over this such a beautiful country ... [:(]

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[quote user="Frederick"]Are we about to see changes in Zimbabwe [/quote]Let's hope so. 

So sad in a continent where food is often in short supply that one of its most fertile countries has been so devastated.   But change really has to begin from within.  I'm not sure that throwing Nato troops at the place will really help - not much evidence that foreign intervention has ever provided a long term solution to political and social problems anywhere in the world that I have ever seen.

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What a pity that the report did not mention that the farmhouse was, in fact, stolen from its previous owner who had committed the unpardonable crime of being a white man.

Rhodesia (as it was then ) was a 'bread basket' country with a very well developed agricultural system, well managed and very productive, now its ???????????
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