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Mr Coeur de Lion

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Saw this tonight, absolutely brilliant. Great storyline, and the first time I've ever been at the cinema and the audience gave the movie a round of applause.

Deals with race in the early 60's in a Mississippi town.

There was this big black woman sitting behind us who was annoying the crap out of me at first as she was one of these women who has to commentate on a movie, but she was hilarious and really fitted in well with what was going on.

It may be a bit of a girlie movie, I don't know, there's no special effects or monsters blowing things up, but the storyline is excellent and in my opinion is one of the best movies that has dealt with race.

My fiancee read the book last week and said the movie was just as good. Well worth a visit if you can.
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I read the book and very much enjoyed it. In all the various moments telling of the master-servant situation in 1960's Mississipi context, the most hilarious one for me was when the truth came out for 'that cake'. One of the white ladies had to produce a cake for some function and delegated her maid to make it.  [:D]

Did the film replicate the incident ?   ...... Don't say ... I will have to get the DVD and find out.

A very good read indeed.

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That surprised me too that it was only the 1960's, but then again, that's when Luther King led his revolution. Blacks should have been given equal rights after the civil war after they had enlisted and given their lives to fight for the union.

And L'Aiffricaine, you will not be disappointed with the film :)
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Loved the book - having visited a couple of southern states  I do wonder....- now I see that a new Texan is looking for the republican nomination, the state where less people have insurance than any other and  unemployment is high........but thats Ok he managed to solve the states fiscal problems without raising taxes.........
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