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Daily tipple boosts health in old age


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It's not so long since we were being told that it's the older generation who drink too much - not the youngsters who go out and get pie-eyed and worse, fall unconscious in the streets and need ambulance staff to care for them! I'm happily gently pickling myself, mainly with rosé, so I'll carry on doing so with a clear conscience!  [:D]
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It's not that I don't drink, but I must average 1 unit of alcohol a week and that apparently is not enough.

But what would I drink if I took to the bottle. I really could never just sit and drink wine without food. And I rarely have it with food. I don't drink shorts either.

I quite like guiness and some other ales. I don't mind the odd lager. The drink I most enjoy is vintage port, but I have that every few years, I will have the odd glass of port more frequently and I don't mind sherry either.

When should I drink, what  and when. I do wonder if it is possible for me to get up to the recommended amount for women.

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