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Mayan Calendar.


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I read this earlier and have now wondered about my plans this week. Should I go wild and fulfill as many of my dreams as possible? Or should I just get on with my normal life...... well maybe a tadge of recklessness, probably do me good, even if the world doesn't end!
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I understand that, having miscalculated his earlier date, Harold Camping gave a revised statement about the end of the world and the commencement of the Rapture. In fact the world actually ended two days ago on Friday. So none of us are still here. Pity that.

However, it must be said that it was Mr Camping's fourth attempt, and since the world will eventually end at some time in the future, it could be said that Mr Camping's predictions are becoming more accurate. He might get it right one day (in about 5,000,000,000 years time).


Pedantic point - evolution is a continuous process. It has no end point.


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I thought I understood the Mayan Calendar, and rather than the day when the World ends and similar New Age Stuff it is simply the point at which the system runs out dates which are unique and IMHO the change would best be described as the end of a millenium. The system links two independant cycles to produce dates which are unique.

I do understand the Gregorian, Judaic and Islamic calenders. The net postings on the subject seem to have been written by people who think Erik Von Daken is perhaps more accurate than Jeffrey Archer.
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