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Pure laughter revisited


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This grey day I have read and read and read, but suddenly stopped as a little Bird said it was time to revisit Flanders and Swan. I had forgotten how funny and relevant they still are. Try this one from U tube where there are dozens more. And anyone who says they are not PC does not understand them!



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I remember hearing them when I was young and loving them and when I say young, I mean young. We had some lovely times in primary school, we'd all the be sat in the hall and they'd play their records. I cannot remember 'why', maybe it was raining too heavily at play time, but it was a real treat. And sometimes they 'd be on our black and white tv, ah happy days.

Have you seen Armstrong and Millers homages to them?

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

"Age cannot wither ......"


        [8-)]         [8-)]

Was that another of their send-ups then, Wooly?

Haven't seen the Armstrong and Miller take-offs, idun.  Are they good?  I haven't quite warmed to that duo yet.


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I have a lot of Flanders and Swann on my Ipod - I love "The Society of British Bedstead Men".   [:)]    I also loved the chitchat between songs that you got on the recordings of whole evening performances.  In one of them, Michael Flanders talked about the amount of air travel they had to do, which of course was a bit trying with his wheelchair.  He said something like "God bless the staff at B.O.A.C.  They always go to a great deal of trouble to find out which aeroplane ramp is nearest to my seat - - - and then they wheel me up the other one!"

Chrissie (81)

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[quote user="Hoddy"]When I watch Stephanie Flanders on TV, even though she is always serious, I think of her father. Hoddy[/quote]

She looks nothing like him. He had a big beard ...


All Gall

This old man he played six

"France and England they don't mix

Eytie, Benelux, Germany and me -

That's my market recipe!"

They don't write 'em like that any more!



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