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Chemical castration of paedophiles


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I read this article and am wondering whether these things truly work. I thought that the brain was 'the' sexual organ and they certainly are not going to do anything to these volunteers brains. Brains, which must be pretty messed up (I'm being polite) to start with, to even consider doing anything at all to children.

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You will have them queuing at the door for the treatment because their sentences will be reduced which is the general idea politically, gives more room in prisons for other criminals. The problem is of course is that this method only works if the scumbag takes his medicine. Once out of prison he could just throw them in the bin and 'disappear' and carry on abusing children.

Alan Turin, him of code breaking fame, was the first person in the UK to be treated this way for being a homosexual, something I would disagree with naturally, but he did end up committing suicide because of this. In the US the first person treated was back in the 60's and its been written in to a few state laws including California since the 1990's. I believe there are a few EU states as well that have been using it for a while.

Personally I am for physical castration for this lot, give the mother of the victim a blunt axe. In cases where the child ends up dead I believe the death penalty should be bought back but that's just me.

As a man I cannot understand these people, I can't even comprehend why somebody would and could do such a vile thing, it is beyond my understanding and as such I have absolutely no problem with what I have suggested above.

I suspect a 'do gooder' will be a long shortly to tell me what I have suggested is over the top, I should have compassion for the offenders as they are ill and it's not their fault. Well don't waste you breath on me because I am not interested.

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You sound quite reasonable to me. And as these people exist and will continue with their despicable acts, then I wish they'd 'just' target dogooders children rather than 'ours'. I'm sure that dogooders will cope admirably with forgiving and getting these people treat nicely as their own kids go into autodestruct mode. 

My way of thinking is that dogooders actually empower these people.

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Whatever the beliefs of the parents ,to wish 'they' would target a certain group's children who are as innocent as anybodies elses, is frankly horrible.

I would not be able to forget or forgive if my child was abused, but if there are treatments available that can prevent paedophiles abusing children , then that has got to be good. And perhaps in time, if this experiment is successful then people who have not yet abused children but have that urge ,could get treatment easily, then that has got to be even better.
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gardener, I think that you have missed the point.

And it boils down to, would you let any of these people baby sit your kids if they had had treatment? IF yes, well you are welcome to do that. I would never willingly allow that. And yet in life, and this to me is where there is no justice, my kids as a general statement would also have the same risk as yours and that just does not feel right to me. It is life and it is la me  r de.

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Perhaps we should also remember that sexual abuse cases of children occur mostly within the family (8 out of 10 is the last I heard - during a programme showing a 10-year old girl who had been abused by her 64 -year old grandfather. There was a very poignant confrontation in the police station between him and his grand-daughter who kept asking "why did you do that?" and she stated that the worst for her was "because of you, now I can't see mamie anymore".

How would any of us react at the thought of having our own father or grandfather chemically castrated, whatever they may have done? (I don't know the answer to that, and am horrified by the question itself, just as I am horrified at the fact that most abuse occurs within the family, something that is easily overlooked as soon as someone utters the word pedophilia ...)[:(]

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A certain amount of paedophiles, around 30% apparently have been abused as children. The mental effect on the victims is massive and there is a vast amount of information about this on the Internet from case studies etc.

Because there is a lot of grooming by the paedophile many children believe it the norm for this abuse to be carried out on them at the time the offence take place. This type of punishment helps solidify the fact that it's not normal and it's not the child's fault. I also read that this can help the victim get over the many other mental and social problems they get later on in life from this type of abuse. It helps them to understand that not all people abuse children, it's a very bad thing and that all men are not bad. Female victims have big problems because of this later on in life with forming relationships etc.

I don't know if that makes sense, I am trying to condense millions of words from different reports in to a couple of sentences. You could try reading the link below for more information.


Another interesting fact I didn't know is that according to Kidscape 48% of paedophiles find their victims via baby sitting.

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I guess you'd find a load of volunteers who'd be willing to carry out the "chop" for real, without the use of chemicals or anesthetics, particularly family members of the victims.

What is the French forum relevance of this?

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[quote user="5-element"]

How would any of us react at the thought of having our own father or grandfather chemically castrated, whatever they may have done?


You have hit the nail on the head. My famly (sic) can do no wrong, whatever they have done wrong - I am sure Ma Kray said this or was it Barbara Windsor? And now you are saying it.

Step 1 to cleaning up the world would be to punish criminals not waste money attempting to feel sorry for them or rehabilitate them. Worry about the victims, not the perpetrators - the latter had a choice, made the wrong choice and should pay - hopefully for ever. Just because they are let out to rejoin the world of decent people does not mean they have paid their debt to society, far from it.

As for the question above, I hope that I would be delighted that for just once the punishment almost fits the crime.



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How would I feel, a good thing................ fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, priests........... I don't care. 

Why cannot it be a heinous crime to do this? In the old days, if they had murdered they would have been put to death.

And let's not forget that by ignoring it other family members are complicit in these acts.

There are no circumstances at all in which I can have any compassion for these perpetrators. I just cannot.



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I'm wondering if perhaps my post was misunderstood. The writing of it came after watching a French TV programme this week about a French family where "Melanie", 10, was sexually abused by her 64-year old paternal grandfather.

Prior to that single abuse episode, Melanie was very close to both her grandfather and grandmother. Up to the episode of a forced fellation, which she reported to her mother (very upsetting times for both of them) who then went to notify the police. The grandfather was arrested, and we see him in the interview room, not saying much for himself (!), and then, with her consent, they also have "Melanie" in the room for a confrontation. Melanie chooses to turn her back to the grandfather so she doesn't have to look at him. She is a mature 10-year old, who got a lot of support from adults about the incident, including the police - whose special role in the circumstances consists in making sure the victim knows that she is being believed, and that the perp will be punished.

The only very forceful thing she is keen to tell her grandfather is that through his own fault, she will now be deprived of her grandmother (his wife) and why did he do this to her. There is no doubt that what we see is a family torn to shreds now (Melanie's father, i.e. the perp's son, has told his father "From now on, for me you are dead.") It is all very poignant, a tragedy for Melanie, but also for the rest of the family - it will never leave them.

I don't give a monkey about what will happen to the grandfather, whether he spends 20 years in jail, whether he is chemically or manually castrated - he might as well have dropped a bomb in the middle of the family's living-room. Whatever happens to him, he will be out of action for the rest of his days. I was much more interested in the devastation for the young victim, and all the ripples all around her: a family destroyed.

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