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Has anyone had a call from Windows Service Centre?


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OH answered a call from an Indian-sounding gentleman this afternoon, purportedly from the Windows Service Centre this afternoon.

When he passed the phone over, there was this chap on about problems I am supposed to have with my computer.  After several minutes, I asked him what he was trying to get me to buy.

He said it was not a telemarketing call and, when I asked what organisation he was working for, he said the Windows Service Centre. 

I said I was going out and could no longer speak to him.

OH has now told me that if you were on the phone and your computer was on at the same time, unauthorised information could be obained [:-))]

Is that the case and, if so, how can I find out any more?

Edit:  Forgot to say that following the call, my modem was actually switched off and I had to démarrer the system. 

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It's a scam, an old one at that but it still keeps poping up. The following link will give you more information. You should follow the instructions to check your computer as recomended by Microsoft.



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Have a look here for one explanation.

I've had several of these calls (in the UK). The first time I shouted foul abuse at him.

The second time was actually more satisfying....  he came out with the usual lines "We've had a report from your internet service provider of serious virus problems from your computer."

I replied... computer? what computer?

he replied... your computer

I replied...What computer

I kept this up for a bit then I got bored so I said.... Oh, you think I've got a computer?

he said... haven't you got a computer?

I said ....No, why do you think I've got a compuetr... now $£^&  *£@

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Thank you, Q and thank you, Derek.

Since my first post, I have done some googling and found out about the scam.

Fortunately for me, I told the guy I couldn't speak to him further because my husband was waiting for me to go out.  He sounded disappointed and hung up.

So, I didn't get as far as "fixing" the problems or paying any money [:)]

I'm glad I posted all the same because it might help other people on the Forum.

Cheers, guys!

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The best thing is just to say  ''OPh dear, that sounds awful.  Just give me a moment to switch the computer on so you can check it.''  Then set the phone down (but don't disconnect) and get on with whatever you were doing.  Sooner or later they get fed up.  If you really want to string it out 'cos it's a slow day and you need some fun every minute or so just say 'OK it's nearly started now just another minute or two''.  'Oh dear, just switched it off by accident, just wait 'til it starts again''.  ''All I'm getting is a blue screen, is that right?  Better restart it'' etc
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[quote user="AnOther"][quote user="sweet 17"]OH has now told me that if you were on the phone and your computer was on at the same time, unauthorised information could be obtained [:-))][/quote]Absolute codswallop Sweets, give your OH a slap [:P]


I shall be delighted to, Erns.  Hah, shows how much HE knows after giving me such a scare this afternoon![blink]

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[quote user="NormanH"]I wonder what they would do if I told them I was on Linux? [/quote]

People have tried saying that and either there is silence at the other end of the phone or else the caller simply hangs up.

The call I received was in French ... were other poster's calls were in French too ? I only ask as a friend in this area of Brittany was contacted and spoken to in English.



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Don't know if it works with VoIP, probably not, but on a proper land line not hanging up at your end will usually prevent the caller from hanging up at his and therefore not being able to make another call.

I did this in UK once and put the phone on loudspeaker and mute for about an hour and eventually I had the supervisor screaming non stop abuse down the line for me to hang up. I had a pal with me at the time and we were in hysterics so all he ever got back was the occasional un-muting to give him some abuse in return [:D][:D][:D]

I'm quite looking forward to getting one of these calls now [6]

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[quote user="NormanH"]I wonder what they would do if I told them I was on Linux?

In which case they could say 'sorry, did I say Windows Service Centre, I meant Linux Service Centre, now about the problems with your PC'.....as I typed this Linux does not have the same security problems that Windows does

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[quote user="AnOther"]I did this in UK once and put the phone on loudspeaker and mute for about an hour and eventually I had the supervisor screaming non stop abuse down the line for me to hang up. I had a pal with me at the time and we were in hysterics so all he ever got back was the occasional un-muting to give him some abuse in return [:D][:D][:D]


Several years back a similar stunt with O/H boss who hadn't paid her for two weeks before he left for South Africa, when he called to check on takings for the week, don't get mad get even [6]

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[quote user="suein56"][quote user="NormanH"]I wonder what they would do if I told them I was on Linux? [/quote]
People have tried saying that and either there is silence at the other end of the phone or else the caller simply hangs up.

The call I received was in French ... were other poster's calls were in French too ? I only ask as a friend in this area of Brittany was contacted and spoken to in English.


Had the call in English too (in Normandy), just told them I didn't have Windows and they hung up.

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[quote user="suein56"][quote user="NormanH"]I wonder what they would do if I told them I was on Linux? [/quote]
People have tried saying that and either there is silence at the other end of the phone or else the caller simply hangs up.

The call I received was in French ... were other poster's calls were in French too ? I only ask as a friend in this area of Brittany was contacted and spoken to in English.


Had the call in English too (in Normandy), just told them I didn't have Windows and they hung up.

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If they ever call me again, and I hope they do, I shall answer along the lines of:

Now you sound like a nice person, so can you not find another job other than one where you tell lies and cheat people out of their money?

Have you no conscience?  Do you not feel bad about your job and can you really sleep at night?

Don't suppose it will do any good but I should love to have a chance to point out to them the low-down activities they are engaged in.

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I always thing that if these type of people put just as much time and intelligence in to something legitimate they could do very nicely and quite legal to. It must be costing these people something, in phone call charges perhaps or whatever so if you act dumb you can keep them on the phone for ages without actually doing anything. If it's not costing them for the phone call it's costing them time and you know what they say about time when it comes to business. That's why from time to time I like playing these email scams along, you can keep them going for ages. You can raise their hopes that they are going to 'score' some major money, then when you just about get them there you can pull the rug from under their feet as it were and just blow their world apart for a while. You can almost hear them it's like sticking a pin in a balloon.
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[quote user="sweet 17"]

If they ever call me again, and I hope they do, I shall answer along the lines of:

Now you sound like a nice person, so can you not find another job other than one where you tell lies and cheat people out of their money?

Have you no conscience?  Do you not feel bad about your job and can you really sleep at night?

Don't suppose it will do any good but I should love to have a chance to point out to them the low-down activities they are engaged in.


Think Sweets you are too good natured. They are probably making more money at this than working in a normal call centre. They also probably view the Western world as peopled by those who have lots of money and will not miss a little whilst they live in slum areas.

Not defending them just trying to be realistic.

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

I just thank them for their call, wish them a "bonne journée" and replace the handset.

I see now reason to waste my time engaging in amateur dramatics and pschopathic histrionics.[6]


I have to say you have one up on me with your vocabulary as I don't have a clue what pschopathic is.

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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="pachapapa"]

I just thank them for their call, wish them a "bonne journée" and replace the handset.

I see now reason to waste my time engaging in amateur dramatics and pschopathic histrionics.[6]


I have to say you have one up on me with your vocabulary as I don't have a clue what pschopathic is.


a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others.[I]

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