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Transcript of Condoleezza Rice speech at the RNC


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Transcript of Condoleezza Rice speech at the RNC

I went looking for this after watching C4 News tonight and listening to some of the comments made by the sponsors and financial backers of the Republican Party. Coupled with the comments it smacks of America running the world and protecting us all from ourselves and others and we are, they feel, incapable of doing so ourselves. Personally I find it all rather frightening. One of the people interviewed can't wait to invade Iran because they believe Iran will be launching nuclear weapons at us all in the very near future. Such a comment made me think of the last illegal war they started in Iraq.
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I agree Quillan, I find it frightening too.

I've been reading comments on the Republican Convention on another forum, mostly American members. And articles in the papers about Romney et al . They are so far removed from our idea of "conservative" in the UK.

I just hope and pray that Obama manages to hang onto the Presidency. He has been a bit disappointing, but an angel and a genius compared to the others.

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I watched Romney's speech, he said a lot about what was wrong but nothing about how he was going to 'fix' things. Whatever their expansionist plans are for the rest of the world you can bet your life's savings that the UK will be there as well. They should stick to their side of the pond and leave us all to get on with our lives.
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I'm not very well informed on US politics, but did hear Romney say that Obama hadn't delivered all his promises, well, is it not true that Romney's party STOPPED some of Obama's promises from being implemented?? If that is true, he's got a ********y cheek.
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[quote user="Edward Trunk"]The Israelis may well use the uncertain time around the presidential election to launch a strike against Iran. If so, expect oil prices to rocket.[/quote]

All the signs are there  for it to happen within a few weeks     Will Iran think the loss of a number of her people and a nuclear power station  and fuel rod enrichment facility worth it to raise up the Arab nations against Isreal thats the question...After all they must be expecting the place to be hit . .

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The Land of the Free - but as she comments, when she was a little girl, which was not that long ago, there was segregation with the Blacks as second class citizens.

And what if the majority of mericans thought that Communism was the way to go - what would happen then.

They obviously did not learn from Vietnam, the invasion of Iraq, where people would hug then only had the military thoughts taken care of - what after, and Afghanistan that looks as though the troops will withdraw soon (and what of the fairness of elections there) and things will go back to normal.

A problem with arrogant people who think themselves superior to any others.

Always remember going in to a bank in a 'two horse town' in some backwaters of Pennsylvania to cash some money. I handed over my passport and the girl ran around showing it to everyone - it was the first passport she had seen....how Worldy wise.

Can always remember the reaction of American friends after 9/11 (should that not be 11/9) - they thought the World loved America.


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The Iranians are not Arabs. They are disliked and feared throughout much of the Gulf because Iran is overwhelmingly Shia, and those Gulf countries with substantial Shia minorities, such as Bahrain, see Iran as a destabilizing influence. The Saudis would far, far rather see Iran go under than Israel. The real tragedy for the Palestinians is that most of their fellow Arabs, whatever their public rhetoric, couldn't give a stuff about them.  
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The problem with Americans is they can't fight a war without help. Since 1707 the UK has had six wars of which four were won without any help. In the same period, according to Wiki, the Americans have fought eight wars of which only two have been won with no help. Strangely they include in the list of 'helped' wars that of independence when in fact it was British against British. The 'American' British only won in reality with the help of the French but they didn't become American till after the war was won so technically that 'war' should not be counted. These figures exclude the many wars against the indigenous North American population of which there were many. That, in modern times, is what is so concerning in that they start wars and never finish them. It is a touch of "place the bomb in your neighbours garden, light the fuse then run away".

As sad as 9/11 was it was a long time coming. When you think about the terrorism America has financed all over the world it was only a matter of time before somebody took it back to them. Let us not forget it was Americans who supplied the money, in massive amounts, to the IRA which used it to buy guns and bombs which killed many innocent men, women and children both in NI and mainland Britain.

Compared to Europe America is a small child and is now in its petulant teenage years. Problem is that its 'toys' are far bigger, and more destructive, than everyone else's, it's like leaving a fourteen year old at home on their own with a loaded sub machine gun and a box of hand grenades. Europe has been through all this more than once and has learnt that wars benefit no one. The other thing we have is culture which goes back thousands of years.

I remember making a joke once about Arnie Schwarzenegger running for President only to be told that only a native American can run for President. I asked when that happened as I clearly missed it.

Without the other big countries like Russia to make them think before they jump I believe they are becoming more and more dangerous.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

The problem with Americans is they can't fight a war without help. Since 1707 the UK has had six wars of which four were won without any help.[/quote]

I am not sure I agree with your maths on this. Since 1800 in my reckoning ignoring colonial wars the UK has been involved in 6 major wars. These are the Napoleonic wars where the decisive battle of Waterloo was won with the help of the Prussians, the Crimean war where we fought with the French, the Boer War where we won on our own own, the First World War where we fought with the French and latterly the Americans, The Second World War where we started with the French, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders and South Africans.  Final victory was not acheived without help from the Soviet Union and the USA.  The last war we took part in was the Korean war where we were part of the UN forces together with the USA and many other countries. By my count this makes 5 won with help from others and 1 won on our own.

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What about Romneys speech?

It featured strongly on marriage - thus dismissing the gay of the US - Land of the Free?

And as for that about his father used to leave a rose on his wifes bedside table each morning and it was when he did not one day that she went looking for him and found he had died - as old man Steptoe used to say 'what a load of old cobblers'.

Such a rosy picture but venture in to the 'rough' areas of many communities and there you will find abject poverty and illness because the people cannot afford healthcare.


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"Such a rosy picture but venture in to the 'rough' areas of many communities and there you will find abject poverty and illness because the people cannot afford healthcare."

Not to mention a rose every day - where would he get a rose every day Does no-one take them up on little factual details that can't possibly be true ?


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[quote user="Hoddy"]"Such a rosy picture but venture in to the 'rough' areas of many communities and there you will find abject poverty and illness because the people cannot afford healthcare." Not to mention a rose every day - where would he get a rose every day Does no-one take them up on little factual details that can't possibly be true ? Hoddy[/quote]

Hey they are politicians so nothing they say can be true

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