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PayPal and 3916


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I have a problem completing Annexe 3916, any help greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to fill in my PayPal account, but PayPal doesn't have account numbers, it uses your email address. It states this clearly when I tried to find a number. Trouble is, the online form is insisting on an a/c number and it only accepts alpha-numeric characters so won't accept an email address with '@'.

Has anybody solved this problem please?
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Just found that PayPal accounts are exempt if the following three conditions are met. So I don't need to declare! I'm posting this for benefit of anyone else who gets the same problem...

L’exception PayPal

Comme les comptes N26 ou Revolut, les comptes PayPal sont détenus à l’étranger, plus précisément au Luxembourg. Toutefois, devant le nombre de contribuables utilisant leur compte PayPal non pas pour y déposer de l’argent mais comme moyen de paiement en ligne alternatif à la carte, l’administration a prévu depuis 2014 une exemption de déclaration pour les comptes respectant trois conditions cumulatives :

avoir pour « objet de réaliser en ligne des paiements d'achats ou des encaissements afférents à des ventes de biens » ;

supposer « la détention d'un autre compte ouvert en France, (…) auquel il est adossé » ;

avoir été crédité d’une « somme des encaissements annuels » égale ou inférieure à 10 000 euros » au cours de l’année de référence.

En savoir plus : https://www.moneyvox.fr/banque-en-ligne/actualites/83956/n26-revolut-paypal-comment-declarer-vos-comptes-etrangers-aux-impots
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As the field presumably doesn't have to be 'active' in any way, can you simply replace the @ with at? In other words, mazandcolatemailco.com?

e2a: you posted while I was writing. Glad to read you've sorted your problem. [:)]

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PayPal does have account numbers, they are just not visible in every day use.

Under 'Data and Privacy' click the tab 'manage your data' , then 'download your data'.
This is not a real time tool. PayPal will inform you when the form is ready, usually within a few hours. It shows you all the payment methods you ever used and your account number.

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Thanks for that Jako. Very useful if I ever need to find a number. When I tried to get a number today it said clearly that they didn't use individual a/c numbers just emails.

I did read somewhere that they use short-lived account numbers but don't allocate specific numbers to users. Just out of interest, have you done this exercise more than once, and if so, did you get the same number?
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No, but it clearly states 'account number'. I cannot imagine it will ever change. It also shows all  credit cards and bank accounts ever used, addresses ever used, phone numbers ever used etc.  The report is presented as a legal document and accompanied by pages full of legal stuff.

Google comes up with this solution to finding a PayPal account number, we are not the first to  need one.

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Writing the e-mail address with spaces [or square brackets] either side of the at/arobase/dot/point makes it clearer so mazandcol[at]emailco[dot]com

mazandcol at emailco dot com

mazandcol arobase emailco point com or mazandcol[arobase]emailco[point]com are better than mazandcolatemailco.com

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