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BBC & the US Election


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I don't know if anyone watched the other video interviews linked to that one (same event, same interviewer) but they're worth a look if you have any lingering doubts after viewing the first one. The one on gay marriage and abortion is particularly telling. I think Ohio's Republican party has some real gene pool issues.

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Socially, the republicans do need to come up to date. If you're gay and want to get married, who am I (or anyone else) to say you can't. I agree with the dems there, no problem.

However, financially, the republicans are closer to the ball than the democrats. And right now, I believe it's far more important to get the country financially stable again and get the debt back under control before it spirals.

I think the choice (for me anyway) was a proven businessman who has made plenty of money compared to 4 years of a president losing trillions. For me, there's only one winner. The other stuff can be sorted once the economy is back under control. But republicans wouldn't have banned gay marriage nationally anyway, that's each state's decision.

The financial situation affects everyone, and should take precedence.

I think the lesson is let the republicans sort the money, let the democrats sort society. (I know it's not that simple).

There also seems to be a lot of generalization on this thread too. I've met some pretty thick democrats too. In fact most around here are democrats.

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Back to the BBC.

I watch the early evening news on both BBC1 and C4(yes, I know it's sad). Yesterday the Beeb did it's normal geographic roundup, and little more.

What a revelation when C 4 news came with a complete breakdown of where the votes for each side had come from. I can't believe that this information couldn't have been found/dug out by the army of BBC reporters.

As it happens, if the Republicans can't find a way of connecting with the Hispanics, then there're probably dead in the water for many years to come.

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BBC World did a lot of that around 0600CET Wednesday morning - before the result was confirmed.  They probably decided it was not worth repeating the day after (BBC days run from 6am UK to 6am so 0600CET was still Tuesday - and literally so in the US)
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I take your point andyh4 but BBC World is exactly that: a BBC service for the World whereas BBC1 is for domestic consumption. Presumably the report you saw, when you saw it, did not give fairly accurate percentages of which groups had cast  votes for which party?

C4 came up with all of these and even Reublican commentators and strategists were, somewhat reluctantly, agreeing that they needed to look again at which groups they needed to focus on. Believe me my knowledge of American ploitics is at a very low level but I saw sufficient in the figures C4 quoted to be confident to make my earlier comment about the Hispanic/Latino group.

I think the parting comment to the report was along the lines of the Republican Party had become a party of older whites, mainly masculine, almost exclusively of Evangelical persuasion.

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I assume that, as they had been on air all night (I woke up for no real reason at 4 am and began watching), and stayed on air for an extra period of time to cover both Romney's concession speech and Obama's victory speech, only going off air at around 7 am UK time, the BBC probably thought that they should move onto other topics for a while. I certainly saw a number of reports regarding the demographic and geographical  split of votes, both as they were coming in, and again subsequently. As I only watch the BBC news (no reason except that it fits in with my own schedule as I work in the evening) I must have seen it there.

Mr CdL, I don't think anyone has suggested that there is a fundamental IQ difference between the supporters of the two parties. However,  let's face it, as an advert for why NOT to vote Republican, those youtube videos are a compelling reason. And, let's be fair: for a fair percentage of his first term of office Obama has been blocked at every turn in much of what he would have liked to do by the Republicans. So who really IS responsible for the current situation??

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[quote user="Benjamin"]I take your point andyh4 but BBC World is exactly that: a BBC service for the World whereas BBC1 is for domestic consumption. Presumably the report you saw, when you saw it, did not give fairly accurate percentages of which groups had cast  votes for which party?

C4 came up with all of these and even Reublican commentators and strategists were, somewhat reluctantly, agreeing that they needed to look again at which groups they needed to focus on. Believe me my knowledge of American ploitics is at a very low level but I saw sufficient in the figures C4 quoted to be confident to make my earlier comment about the Hispanic/Latino group.

I think the parting comment to the report was along the lines of the Republican Party had become a party of older whites, mainly masculine, almost exclusively of Evangelical persuasion.



Fewer numbers than appeared today on the BBC website this morning but strong indicators - "Florida is still too close to call but reports indicate that more than 70% hispanics seem to have voted for Obama"


I stand to be corrected but overnight I think BBC World and BBC News (200) are exactly the same - and I assume BBC 1 (101) just links into BBC News when there is a news broadcast.

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I haven't read all the posts on this thread, so sorry if this has been raised before - but I am totally fed up with all the coverage on most of the UK media plus several pages in newspapers every day.  I wonder if the US media spend so much time discussing, and send so many reporters to, the UK General Elections - but I doubt it!  The other day, the US elections took up the first 20 minutes of a news programme - it seems a bit of overkill to me [:@] 
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[quote user="Thibault"] I wonder if the US media spend so much time discussing, and send so many reporters to, the UK General Elections - but I doubt it!  [/quote]


I am sure they don't, but then the UK is not the biggest trading market in the world, where a decision that could expand or deflate the market has worldwide impact.  Nor is the UK argueably the world's most powerful military nation, where a decision to go to war or make peace will have sweeping implications across the globe.


If there were an elected head of the EU, then that might be something else again, but there isn't.

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[quote user="andyh4"]

[quote user="Thibault"] I wonder if the US media spend so much time discussing, and send so many reporters to, the UK General Elections - but I doubt it!  [/quote]


I am sure they don't, but then the UK is not the biggest trading market in the world, where a decision that could expand or deflate the market has worldwide impact.  Nor is the UK argueably the world's most powerful military nation, where a decision to go to war or make peace will have sweeping implications across the globe.

[/quote] On that basis, I can't wait for the Chinese elections in 10 years time
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[quote user="Thibault"][quote user="andyh4"]

[quote user="Thibault"] I wonder if the US media spend so much time discussing, and send so many reporters to, the UK General Elections - but I doubt it!  [/quote]


I am sure they don't, but then the UK is not the biggest trading market in the world, where a decision that could expand or deflate the market has worldwide impact.  Nor is the UK argueably the world's most powerful military nation, where a decision to go to war or make peace will have sweeping implications across the globe.

[/quote] On that basis, I can't wait for the Chinese elections in 10 years time[/quote]

They've sent John Simpson and George Aligaiah out early to put some towels on the sunbeds.

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