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Iobit malware fighter


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I have this programme installed and have been getting messages for several days that there is an update available.  I click on what I think is going to get me the update and the screen goes to "majorgeeks.com".

Then, instead of being able to update straightaway, I get adverts, things like "stop, before you update, do you want a free scan".  I do my best to skip all the adverts and all the ruses trying to get me to buy or pay for something.

At the end of all my efforts, I find that my iobit malware fighter has NOT been updated.  What I am thinking is that there must be a way of updating without buying some other programme that I do not want?

Pommier, if you are out there, will you advise me as you know about this.  It's part of the package you recommended when my computer was sluggish.

Anyone else with information, please, please, please tell me what I need to do.  If I am famous for anything on the Forum, it is that I am less than clueless with all this technology "stuff"[:'(]

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If you use the Majorgeeks link the download should start automatically.

Alternatively just click here:


Reading about it here though I'm not sure of it's worth


IMO you'd be better off with either Malwarebytes or Superantispyware but in all honesty if you have a decent AV programme running, I recommend AVG, then any of the above are superfluous.

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Isn't this one of the major problems that faces Windoze users?

The multitude of extra 'warez', from anti-virus to cleaners to various commercial cr*pware that you need and which slow down the computer with their bloat?

Everytime I switch on Windows7 which I have on one drive on my laptop I need about half an hour before I can use it with all the updates, both of Windows itself and of all these other things all competing for priority because they are not co-ordinated....

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Junkware is great. Installing it is a quick way to use up your system resources, memory and performance. You may have forgotten that when you first bought your machine it took 30 seconds to boot - now it takes several minutes whilst it loads hundreds of fairly useless 'processes'. Un-installing these facilities doesn't always return the system to an earlier better performance state as the un-installation process is never 100% efficient. Best is to rebuild from scratch, but this is time consuming, as I know from looking after many hundreds of pcs and servers.


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[quote user="NormanH"]The multitude of extra 'warez', from anti-virus to cleaners to various commercial cr*pware that you need and which slow down the computer with their bloat?[/quote]The point is that 99% of the time you don't need it and manufacturers do themselves no favours by adding junkware to their machines out of the box either.

I have just this week clean installed Win7 on a brand new Acer laptop which originally was taking well over a minute to become usable but now, with all the pre-installed crapware gone and just the essentials, is down to about 40 seconds - and it's using about 50% less resources in the process.

Incidentally 'warez' refers to something entirely different.

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Couldn't agree more. It's frightening what people put on their PC's. I reckon most have at least two firewalls running plus the one they get in their router for nothing. The whole industry has built up paranoia in people so they buy this rubbish. I have a friend who relies only on the default firewall software from MS and has never installed any AV software. He works on the basis that if an email arrives with an attachment from somebody he does not know he deletes it.

I have a Toshiba Libretto. only A5 size, the first ever proper 'pocket computer'. It runs on Windows 98SE and has a full version office professional on it. Only a 20MB drive but there is still room to store loads of documents. No AV, no firewall and it is sometimes faster than my current 64 bit system with 1TB of disk and 4gb of ram.

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