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Have you been GMP'd ?


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Received notification that my Pension (NHS+OldAgePension) is to be reduced by £230 a year because of the introduction of GMP by the UK government. This may have been out a while but I knew nothing about it until today.

The nice lady I contacted today said she would send me out some information on it - bit bloody late mate.

Apparently they have 'cocked up' big time over this.

They were forced into giving us 5.2% last year with the RPI so I guess it was only a matter of time before they clawed it back.

and breathe.........................................

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I just don't know Chancer as I really don't understand it.

I'm hoping the promised letter will shed some light on it.

The amount involved in my case is probably what Cameron and his cronies spend on a bottle of wine but its much more than that to us.

I did find this on the web -  which seems to suggest I may have been overpaid [:-))]

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It is only some NHS pensions affected in this instance so GMP should not be confused with the state MIG (Minimum Income Guarantee).

When contracting out of the S2P (or SERPS as was) there were guarantees called protected rights. In essence this meant that the fund you initially transferred, plus the annual additions from your NI rebates, were ring fenced ensuring that you would never be any worse off then if you had remained contracted in.

It seems pretty clear that you have been overpaid Bugsy but be glad that they are not proposing any clawback !

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