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[quote user="powerdesal"]Of course the climate is changing, it's what the climate does and has done for millions of years, why should it stop now?

Equally it's basic biology that plants need CO2, it helps them grow. No CO2 = no plants = no food.

The planet has had warmer and colder periods in the past and will no doubt have warmer and colder periods in the future. To assume that mankind can radically affect that future is arrogance in the extreme.

The climate was warmer in the recorded past, even during Roman times and I don't seem to remember learning about Roman 4 x 4s and power stations being the cause of any problems.[/quote]

Yep, plants need CO2, but the way deforestation is occurring with rising levels of CO2, you're going to have less plants to take this CO2 on board, therefore more will remain in the atmosphere.

I'm not expecting any catastrophe like most go on about, but there will be change (like you say), and it'll be up to life on the planet to adapt. There'll no doubt be extinctions, but these happen all the time, and new species come about to replace them.

I believe mankind does have an effect on the climate, just as every dominant species in the past probably has, but to what extent, who knows?

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