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Xmas surprise and greetings


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Wow, what a surprise. There I was hovering at the Gare du Midi in Brussels and who should be walking by but our very own Oiseau, looking a bit lost as she had nowhere to go for Xmas. So, being a perfec' gentleman, have offered her my abundant hospitality (well, that of my daughter too), and we shall celebrate here then descend to the Vendee, where I shall endeavour to detain her as long as possible.

Meanwhile, Bobo wishes you a wonderfully indulgent Xmas withh loadsa good things and much indulgence. Remember hat it is a midwinter festival and not deogned by Cocacola, so chase away the devils of the dark forest with plenty oh light and good cheer.

As for New Year, well, not Bobo's thing, but all the best anyway, with laughter and hope, and let's try and get rid of those bloody guns.

Finally, spare a thought for Norman who will be alone in his barrel. If you happen by, do play a tune on the wall and offer him a little cheer,too.

And, Normie, remember, the tag comes off in April, so you have that to look forward to.
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[quote user="nectarine"]ha ha WB, I always enjoy your posts but don't always understand them! Anyway Merry Christmas to you and yours[/quote]

I'm glad it's not just me Nectarine, in fact I'm quite often baffled by WB's postings. Just slow I guess, but I second your Christmas greetings.

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Behold , I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep , but we shall all be changed

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound , and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed....

Basically WB met this bird while he was loitering at Brussels Station and took her back to his daughter's place.

He wishes me the same sort of sordid adventure as a Christmas pressie (I think)

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[quote user="NormanH"]Basically WB met this bird while he was loitering at Brussels Station and took her back to his daughter's place.
He wishes me the same sort of sordid adventure as a Christmas pressie (I think)

So I presume we should all adopt a Harold Steptoe voice and all together 'you dirty old man' [:D]

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