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Sir Patrick Moore "Always Staple Cheques to bills" " In the Middle "


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There are some brilliant ideas in this article ...  When enclosing a cheque, staple it to the letter. With two staples. Or

three. Right in the middle of the cheque. At the least, you’ll waste

someone’s time — at best, you might wreck their computer.

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A few weeks ago my sister and I had an appointment with a social worker at my mothers home. My sister lives an hour away and me about 30 minutes.

The social worker was late so we phoned to see where she was, we were told she was held up with a client. 45 minutes later when she still hadn't arrived we phoned again, still on her way. The third time we phoned someone remembered the lady concerned was off sick with pleurisy and had been for several days... No one had thought to cancel her appointments....so I'm afraid while its OK for them to waste our time I might well feel like wasting theirs, just in a small way. :-)

Frankly they are so inefficient anyway it would be hard to notice a difference! ;-)

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Two wrongs don't make a right. I am already paying tax for the inefficient social department - I don't want to pay more because people are using these tips to increase the workload. If you want to pay more tax be my guest but remember the money is needed for more sensible reasons
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For their next trick a social worker and occupational therapist used the key code number they had to let themselves into the house. And talk to my mother even they knew that she is the subject of an EPA and they had been dealing with us until then. My mother is 92, has severe short term memory loss and is very deaf.....

They then took it upon themselves to try and negotiate a new rate with the carers who we employ privately....unbelievable....and they couldn't understand why I was upset!

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Rabbie, these little tricks get played because the people are fed up with the large, impersonal departments to which they have no links or affinity and which treat their "customers" with disdain, apparently, as shown in the RH case before. The solution is for these departments to get off their high horses and relink with the people they work for. Which need not cost a load of extra money.

Personally, I think the farmers who spray slurry on council buildings are the outrageous tip of a seriously large iceberg.

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I took the article as an amusing fantasy of what one dreams of doing, rather than a manual on what to do...

I have used a few of them, plus such things as demanding that letters be sent by registered post, but only with selected targets.

For example Lloyds Bank recently decided to hand over the collection of a sum I owe on a credit card( and had been quite regularly paying off in accordance with our arrangement ) to a  debt collection agency with  the totally false premise that we had not reached an agreement.

I will of course continue to repay as I have been doing for a few years, but the agency will benefit from a  few of these sort of manoeuvres.

I wouldn't use them with public services.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

Rabbie, these little tricks get played because the people are fed up with the large, impersonal departments to which they have no links or affinity and which treat their "customers" with disdain, apparently, as shown in the RH case before. The solution is for these departments to get off their high horses and relink with the people they work for. Which need not cost a load of extra money.

Personally, I think the farmers who spray slurry on council buildings are the outrageous tip of a seriously large iceberg.

[/quote]NormanH summed up my attitude to this better than I did. He has a way with words. I agree with yout analysis but I am not sure how things can be changed
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[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="woolybanana"]

Rabbie, these little tricks get played because the people are fed up with the large, impersonal departments to which they have no links or affinity and which treat their "customers" with disdain, apparently, as shown in the RH case before. The solution is for these departments to get off their high horses and relink with the people they work for. Which need not cost a load of extra money.

Personally, I think the farmers who spray slurry on council buildings are the outrageous tip of a seriously large iceberg.

[/quote]NormanH summed up my attitude to this better than I did. He has a way with words. I agree with yout analysis but I am not sure how things can be changed[/quote]

Isn't this where our elected representatives need to earn their expenses? But they can only act if they feel inclined to and the public makes them aware of the problems.

When it comes to Social Services it seems that they do nothing to try to improve their reputation and RHs experience is another dent in it.

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Sadly RH's experience is a very common one . 

As someone who has to turn out to take people to hospital  appointments as part of  Ambulance  Patient Transport  Services .I can say a lot of time is wasted along with a lot of money just because people sitting at computers don't do their job properly .

I am constantly going to collect people to take them into hospital only to find on the doorstep I am being told the hospital have written and changed their appointment ..

What the hospital often fails to do is inform Patient  Transport Services  so the driver is sent out on a wasted journey  which could be  50 miles or more round trip  for which I still claim for . This has happened  to me two or three times in one day where I have been called to take patients to the same clinic where all patients for that day were cancelled .  Imagine the cost if its an ambulance with a crew of two that's sent out  and this happens every day .

 I have said for years if the  hospital staff member who failed to cancel transport when he or she wrote or phoned and cancelled a patient appointment had £20 taken out of their wage packet every time they did it it would stop happening within a week ...

Same goes for patients who are not home when I call  or who tell me they are not going  in    Or have a friend or relative who has turned up and will take them so they do not  need me.... and that does wind me up  !  ... They should get a bill sent to them .   I have also been  sent to take in patients who are at the time in bed in a ward .....or as has happened to me more than once passed away ...    That's  "The System " I am afraid !

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One of the benefits my mother does get free of charge is a chiropodist calling. ( but be aware she can only cut toe nails, she isn't insured to cut finger nails)She recently arrived and said she was glad to find my mother alive as the three patents she had called on earlier in the day had all passed away and no one had informed her.......it must be very frustrating.
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[quote user="Frederick"]Sadly RH's experience is a very common one . 

I am constantly going to collect people to take them into hospital only to find on the doorstep I am being told the hospital have written and changed their appointment ..

There seems to be a slightly worrying trend within the NHS. Alter an appointment or question with an idea to request a different time for the appointment results in the marking of one's card. Two such marks and they write to the GP taking the patient off the hospital's books. That has happened to both myself (never missed an appointment ever) but reorganised one and so have the hospital but that point was missed off, now having to get the GP to request I am seen again by the hospital. The same thing in a completely different region has occurred to my Mother.

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