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Saviles bully boy tactics


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Read 'What Savile said to the Police' in this BBC news item:


Bully boy tactics seem to win with the police - shows what an absolute sleaze bag he was.

Love to know who his friends would have been - they must feel very honoured to have been associated with him and possibly involved in legal action on his behalf.

Still feel his coffin was encased in concrete for a reason other than potential robbers grabbing jewellery potentially placed in his coffin.

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Agreed, and if so much evidence has come to light or always been around, why wasn't it acted upon while he was still alive?

Hijacking this thread slightly, I watched a dramatisation of child "deportation", I can't think of a better word, the other night, "Oranges and sunshine". I remember this coming to light a few years ago, but apparently 130,000 children were shipped out to Australia as orphans in the 50's and 60's, often when their parents were still alive. Many of them were badly abused and lived in terrible conditions. It's very upsetting. I'd rather see some justice for this!



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[quote user="sid"]

Agreed, and if so much evidence has come to light or always been around, why wasn't it acted upon while he was still alive?


I cannot find the post I made but some time back I did post about a comment made on a TV programme from quite a few years back, repeated recently, in which a comment was made alluding to Saviles wrong doing.

Whilst nothing has been published I wonder if it is a case that asexual predator has a similar modus operandi and preference? If that is the case would not the police have been looking at complainants stories and looking for similarities and when these were evident attach a high degree of reliability to the complaint.

No, Savile can no longer defend himself but I think his threats to police speak volumes about the man.

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No smoke without fire and I suspect a few have jumped on the bandwagen when they heard that it was intended to claim all his trust money back to compensate the victims. That said even if it were only one (which I personally doubt) that he assulted thats one to many. [:(]
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As with all such situations, we're now entering the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" phase. In which everyone condemns the authorities for not believing allegations made when Savile was still alive, yet condemns them all the more for believing allegations now he's dead.

Whether or not we give credence to, or choose to believe all the people who have come forward to claim abuse,  as the Telegraph article says, we need to bear in mind that some who were brave enough to try and come forward during his lifetime were dismissed and their stories seen as fabrication. Now, we're stuck not knowing what is and isn't fabrication, but having already done a grave disservice to those brave enough to try and draw attention to Savile's behaviour before, the authorities simply cannot afford to make those same mistakes and errors of judgment again.

Meanwhile, lots of people with the gift of 20/20 hindsight are also coming forward to offer the benefit of their great wisdom about what should have been (or what should now be) done.

It's too late. For everyone.

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I think it's worth reprinting what the CPS reckons he had actually said to the two policewomen: it sounds so much like him (and maybe it was a recording?).

"If this [these allegations] does not disappear then my policy will

swing into action. I have an LLD, that's a Doctor of Laws, not an

honorary one but a real one. That gives me friends. If I was going to

sue anyone, we would not go to a local court, we would go to the Old

Bailey 'cos my people can put time in the Old Bailey. So my legal people

are ready and waiting. All we need is a name and an address and then

the due process would start. I've never done anybody any harm in my

entire life. I have no need to chase girls, there are thousands of them

on Top of the Pops. I have no need to take liberties......the newspapers

consider me to be very boring, I have no kinky carryings on. But

because I take everything seriously I've alerted my legal team that they

may be doing business and if we do, you ladies [the two female

officers] will finish up at the Old Bailey as well because we will be

wanting you there as witnesses. But nobody ever seems to want to go that


I'm surprised the CPS just rolled over and gave up in the face of this kind of absurd bluff and bluster. Perhaps he really did have friends in high places?

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I can't imagine how anyone would believe that his LLD was a real one. Nevertheless, the threat sounds real enough, and any woman or child would have had to be made of sterling stuff to stand up to aggressive cross examination by a top QC.

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[quote user="Hoddy"]I can't imagine how anyone would believe that his LLD was a real one. Nevertheless, the threat sounds real enough, and any woman or child would have had to be made of sterling stuff to stand up to aggressive cross examination by a top QC. Hoddy[/quote]

Well, he had prime ministers and royalty sucking up to him so why not those in the legal profession. After all, some of them defend those they know are guilty but paint them as absolute angels - no doubt for large fees. 

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[quote user="Hoddy"]I can't imagine how anyone would believe that his LLD was a real one. Nevertheless, the threat sounds real enough, and any woman or child would have had to be made of sterling stuff to stand up to aggressive cross examination by a top QC.


I don't think the threat sounds very real - the Old Bailey is the Central Criminal Court - the one thing you can't do there is sue - that's done in the civil courts. No matter how many friends you have.

On the other hand, he actually did sue several newspapers successfully, though I am not sure how many (if any) of the cases actually came to court.

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