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carrot cake without too much faffing about


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Hi, Val, I made the cake today and it was very moist and pleasant to eat with a lot of orange flavour.

In fact, OH said he preferred it to Victoria Sandwich (and I make a mean Victoria Sandwich) so I shall certainly make it again.

Only thing is the raisins seem to have mostly stayed at the bottom of the cake so I guess my mixture must have been a bit too liquid.  The eggs were very large and that could be the reason, I suppose?  Or I'd used a bit too much bicarb.

Next time, I'd use more spices and maybe some orange flower water.

I hope you are making the cake for yourself these days and looking after yourself well.

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Thanks for the feedback. Yes, since OH has gone,life has gone on for us albeit hard still to understand why. One of the reasons for looking after myself better now concerning food is what killed him in the first place and two of my neighbours have had the same problem but managed to get operated on before it killed them, they call it the silent killer because we are susceptible to cholesterol but no one realises how it does actually block your main arteries until you suffer a stroke, blood tests just don't show the damage already done.

That cake freezes well too and I have also made it and cooked it in paper cases as fairy cakes and iced the top. Its one of those recipes you can experiment with the ingredients as long as you keep the main ones. Yes, too much egg with make it too runny. As for carrots, well they are a bargain at the moment so perhaps making a batch of cakes is a good idea.

I also make a banana loaf using bananas I let go black, all made in a saucepan in a matter of minutes, freezes well and is one of the best recipes I have found. I can let you have it if you wish

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I've also got a very nice banana recipe but it was from the La Poste calendar from 2 or 3 years ago so not really "mine".

I add some walnuts in as we have a lot of walnuts where we life and that cake also freezes like a dream.  In fact, it's good to eat with a blob of ice-cream if you run out of ideas for dessert.

We don't often eat desserts as I am forever watching my weight but I do like to make cakes and biscuits.

I don't know if you watch BBC TV at all, Val?

Over 2 weeks, the second instalment being last night, they ran the "Mary Berry Story" and she is such a very nice person, so down-to-earth but very inspiring and caring at the same time.

I have a book of hers given to me when I was 22 years old and I have kept it all these years and I still use her recipe for cheese scones.

Sometimes the old recipes are the best but I do like to try new things but nothing too elaborate or involve too much work [:D]

PS:  I admire you very much for the way you have got on with living and doing things since your bereavement and I am not saying this for the sake of being "nice" but mean it completely.

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[quote user="5-element"]Did I dream that the trick to stop raisins falling to the bottom, is to roll them in flour before you put them into the mixture???

Ooh, yes, I remember that now.  Must have dreamt the same thing [:)]

Must also remember to do that next time I make a fruit cake with glacé cherries because they, too, seem to fall to the bottom of the cake.

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