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MP calls for ban on EU meat products


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If it is so harmless ........Why  is there a big search on at the moment to find six carcases that tested positive  for Bute that were  sent to France in the past few  weeks so they can be stopped from entering the food chain ?  The fact remains if Vets say the stuff is danger to human health and forbid the slaughter of a horse passing into the human food chain . That's what should happen regardless of  how many burgers eaten it will take to effect someone ..  Perhaps out of this will come some tighter regulations that  will be harder to break by the crooks in the processed food industry . 

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Bute, the drug in question, is used to treat some people with severe arthritis. In rare cases it can cause a serious blood disorder known as aplastic anaemia,  The concentration of t bute in the affected carcases was very low so there should be little risk from these carcases. In the present situation nogovernment can afford not to be seen to be taking this seriously.

The problem arises that because bute is administered to horses orally it is not always given to the correct horse which will have had its passport marked as "Not for human consumption".

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Further to my post yesterday about the effect of drugs in the water supply, I looked on the internet today to see what there is about it.

At my age I don't have any worries, but should we be concerned for our grandchildren? That's unless the big rock, reckoned to just miss us tonight, catches the earth a glancing blow to send us toward the moon or sun. It could be the first 149 snooker break in space.

The very least it would do is to knock the horse meat scandal off the front pages.



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