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Help - French Tax Form - Death and Left France


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I hope someone here might be able to help please. I need to submit tax forms for my Mum, and also my Dad who dies last year. My Dad always did the tax forms himself, so there's no local person in France to help.

I nor my Mum do not speak French very well or understand the tax system. The paperwork arrived in the UK past the deadline and I've been trying to contact somewhere that speaks English without any luck. I have two tax forms, one with both names and one with only my Mums. They didn't have complex incomes or savings so should be straight forwards, apart from it being late.


Dad died early 2020
Mum returned to UK late 2020
House sold Jan 2020.
Area - 65700

The bank account has two monthly outgoings that I could do with some help identifying as the bank is not too helpful:
Priv Direction Generale Des Finances. Prelevement A La Source Revenus2021 (which I think is paying for last years' tax)
Priv Direction Generale Des Finances. 65xxxxxxxxxxx65 222 MEME365xxxxxxxxxxx8 Impot Tf then a long reference number ending with Core.


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The second one will be for the Taxe foncier which is a tax on the ownership of the house.
Normally once a house is sold it is due only on the part of the year during which you were the owner, but the tax people may not know that it has been sold, although normally the Notaire should have informed them.

The first one is income tax. This used to be for the previous year, but now it is taken each month based on the figures for the previous year, so there again it should be stopped.

You might find a French speaking Notary public in the UK if you can't find anyone who speaks French

I am open to correction on the detail of this but I believe I am broadly right

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The Tax Foncière is the liability of the owner of the house on Jan 1st of each year.
It is customary, but not legally binding, for it to be proportioned between the seller and purchaser at the time of sale, in the sale agreement.
The Notaire who handled the sale should know how this was handled, but you should have a copy of the sale document (Acte de Vente).

Having said this, it can take a year or more for a sale to be registered with the tax office, so it is quite usual for the seller to receive a full bill for the TF towards the end of the year of the sale.
This would normally be passed on to the Notaire to proportion and bill to the buyer if it was so agreed in the sale document.

Assuming your parents were French residents, as it appears they were paying taxes there, the procedures which should have been followed after the death of your father are HERE.
If these were followed you should be able to get all the information you require from the Notaire who handled this.

If this Notaire doesn't speak English, you should be able to find one who does HERE.
If you don't intend to go to France and speak directly to a Notaire it is not necessary to choose one in the same department where your parents lived, although it might be useful if they have some local knowledge.

EDIT: I assume the TF payment was for 2020, as the bills for this year will not yet have reached the bank. If the sale of the house was in January, then your father's estate was liable to pay it, but any proportion agreed at the time of the sale can be reclaimed from the seller.
There should be no TF bill for the house for this year.

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