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They WILL be charging Huhne


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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="Thibault"][quote user="Quillan"]

Perhaps a better idea should be a change in the law that allows constituents to sack their MP and in doing so throw him/her out of the HOC as well. Perhaps this would focus MP's more to their constituents wants, needs and aspirations although sadly probably not.

I [/quote]


How would this work?  A simple majority, two thirds of constituents?  What happens if a particular constituency had "unreasonable" wants in relation to the country as a whole?  Wasn't there an argument in the 19th century as to whether MPs were delegates or representatives? 


There still is a debate going on and an e-petition to change from representative to delegate and a private members bill will be before parliament after their summer break. Sadly it won't get through so MP's can carry on doing what they have always done.

If they became delegates they would have to vote the way their constituents want them to vote. If a constituency wanted something unreasonable they might not get it as it would need a full parliamentary vote and if other MP's constituents disagree they won't get it.

[/quote]Sometimes it is better to have representatives rather than delegates as a large percentage of the electorate either don't vote or don't understand all the issues involved. I personally would prefer to have someone sensible as my MP even if I don't agree with them politically on every issue thn to have someone that was swayed by whatever Mr Murdoch was pushing in the Sun. Fiunding out what a constituency wanted on every issue would lead to a large number of local referenda at vast expense and I am sure a large degree of voter apathy would set in so then the tail would be wagging the dog. The question of non-residents voting in these would have to be considered because it doesn't seem right that policy should be changed by those who don't have to live with the consequences

What is best for the country is not always the most popular. For example many people seem to want lower taxes  together with higher government spending.

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