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Europa Construction - Capdenac

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English friend has chosen a building plot and all is proceeding well if slowly on the purchase front so is now looking for someone to build a house for him. Has anyone out there any experience, comments or advice about Europa Construction. I know the rules that only good stuff can be said publicly so if bad news please PM me.




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A more creative approach might be to approach a local architect to get some initial ideas. So much depends on the site, its location, orientation etc as well as your friend's requirements - he may need to sqeeze a large house onto a small plot, his ideas about style, materials, layout etc. Buying off a developer's catalogue means you are paying a minimum 20 - 30 per cent profit margin, whereas using an architect and local builders you are paying for labour, materials plus a 12 - 15 per cent architect's fee - for full service from intial design to supervision of the construction.

I have no links with architects but am a great fan of them, and have recently written in FPN about several projects involving a 100 m² home for under 100,000 euros (land excepted)). For inspiration and if your French is up to it,  I recommend looking at the projects described in the Archi Pas Chère series by Olivier Darmon (Editions Ouest-France), which has links to all the architects involved (names, contacts etc). You may find one in your region.

Hope this offers some food for thought - P-D de R.

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