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Complete France Forum

Anybody know this company?


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Has anybody used Headdon Consulting, based in Aude? Of all the various French lawyers their web site seems one of the most complete and helpful, and I am seriously looking for somebody to advise on a particular aspect of French/English small business law. I'm wondering because the principal (quote) "was the head of the legal department of one of the principal French property consultancy companies in the United Kingdom" - and we don't tend to hear many good reports of such companies on this forum.

Will (50)

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I wonder whether you might be better off engaging a business lawyer from a more broadly recognized, internationally very well respected legal firm that has offices both in England and in France (and perhaps other places as well). It isn't cheap by the hour (but then consider the sometimes exhorbitant premiums charged by some UK property consultant firms). But since you indicate it is simply advice on small matter, which connotes very little time to be expended (expecially if coming from an expert) it might be worth it as insurance to have a sound answer from a wellknown law firm that regularly advises very large concerns where it is critical they know what they are talking about, as well as taking in their stride the smaller ones. And since their offices talk to each other (if you choose the right firm) you will have the crossover benefit with all advice up to date (How current is that person down in the Aude with British law? And if he/she has to consult with some hidden person in the UK, I would assume that's been factored into the fee somehow). I hesitate using anyone who focuses on such a small market as ex-pat Brit French property owners, unless fully endorsed by someone I knew personally who is well connected in the legal community and is in a position to know, as otherwise it's a crap shoot. And I'm not sure of your remedies should you end up relying on a wrong answer from a consultant. None of this should be construed that this particular consultant firm is bad (they could be excellent), only that there might just be an easier way when you don't know them at all and are faced with relying on rather impersonal references who don't have a personal stake in your wellbeing. Good luck, whichever way you go.
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