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Copropriete - legal recourse?


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Our house (second home, for the moment) is in a terrace of six houses in a rural community. The other owners are French. Three of the six houses are owned by one person and rented out. There is a communal "cour" in front of all properties, used and maintained by all owners.

One of the tenants has parked (for 6+ months) a decrepit caravan in the communal "cour", against the rules. (Occupants may park cars there but not park long-time caravans.

Our closest friends amongst the neighbours (French owner-occupiers) are very miffed about this - as are all other occupiers (tenants and owners alike). We would prefer if the caravan weren't there but would rather remain on good terms with its owners, who live next door to us, than make waves.

We have - under suffrance - signed a petition against the caravan and visited the gendarmerie, with the other owner-occupiers (complaining about the caravan). The gendarmerie does not want to know - it is a private "cour", therefore a private matter. Neither the landlord nor the agency (letting the house concerned) have responded to any registered letter of complaint.

What is the situation in France regarding "legal aid"? Private prosecutions? etc.

We are trying to maintain equally good relationships between the owners, who have to put up with the grotty caravan all year and our neighbours (the caravan owners), who are normally very considerate to us.

Any suggestions?

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We are on a copropriete and fortunately have an uneven number, so we can actually vote on such things.

Legal aid? For an interneighbour dispute, not very likely.

There are however seances available with Notaires that are free and you could ask at your Mairie about those and see what they have to say.
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