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Input from Americans on the forum please


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Today the BBC reported on Obamacare:


Now I appreciate that some of you may be for and others against.

I suppose my brutal question is:

'those that cannot afford health care insurance do they just suffer whatever malady they may have without clinical help and in serious cases crawl in to a corner and die?

Is the US civilised?
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[quote user="PaulT"]those that cannot afford health care insurance do they just suffer whatever malady they may have without clinical help and in serious cases crawl in to a corner and die?[/quote]

Yes  -  I wonder that, too.

And yet they all seem to have ready dosh for the Genital Mutilation of their male children.  Where does that come from ?

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I was talking to some Americans about this a while back.

Basically, if you dont have insurance, you are screwed. It is seemingly not uncommon for people to refuse to get into an ambulance after an accident as they know that the costs would be too much of a burden.

Even a relatively straightforward surgery like having an appendix out will leave a 6-figure medical bill.

Apparently, means-tested grants can be available in some cases, but medical costs are supposed to be one of the most common reasons for bankruptcy.

Circumcision is seeming just passed off as "the done thing" and few people question it - a nice little earner for someone, I am sure.

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Some clients a while back were bankrupted by the very thing.  The fine print on the policy did cover child birth but didn't cover still born. Sick society.

Circumcision, I thought you had to be a complete prick to be an American [:D]

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