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A foto of Norman but younger!


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The image in the article speaks for itself.


(But can someone please make the link active as I have no known way of doing it)

With thanks to Mary Lee from the Chinese Chippy!

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In the reply window there is a globe and chain icon

First I paste the address here


Then I highlight it and click on the icon and paste the same link into the window that opens.


On the other hand if you read the article know that

L'Autrement has

changed chefs 3 times in the last year and is a shadow of itself

Le Petit Montmartre

(mis-spelled in the article) serves tired and unoriginal dishes and

kept going by a gay clièntele, but pales into insignificance in

comparison to Les Caves de la Madeleine next door with a waitress

who speaks fluent German and English as a well as a good smattering

of Russian.

La Charnière

produces dried out overcooked roast dinners and fish and chips, and

Pas comme les Autres is largely alcohol based with just a few

nibbles, far from 'being hearty fare '

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