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Pulling out of a sale


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My father signed a compromis de vente way back in early October- it is anticipated that the acte de vente will be signed end of April.

Due to a number of factors, mainly ill health and the property specifications not being what they were when the compromis was signed (land size) he wishes to pull out of the deal.

Could any informed individual tell me what the true penalties for backing out would be- i.e. other than losing the deposit, would there be other charges, could the vendors legally force the process etc.

All advice would be gratefully received.

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Sorry to hear your problem, but because of the seriousness of the situation maybe your first port of call would be to discuss the matter with the Notaire conducting the sale. If this is unsatisfactory then take legal advice from either an Advocat in France or a French Advocat in the UK.

I would not rely on opinions other than a legally trained professional.

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