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Dr. Frank lehman would like to add you on Skype


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Enter a message to introduce yourself.  Dear Friend,

I am Dr. Frank Lehman, the chairman of the contract-awarding (ECOWAS). I am making this contact with you based on the committee need for an individual/ company who is willing to assist me with a solution to a money transfer.

This amount $23.5M (Twenty Three Million Five hundred thousand United States Dollars) represents the balance of the total contract value executed on behalf of ECOWAS for supply of hospital equipment from foreign contracting firm, which we the officials over-invoiced deliberately, of which the actual sum has been paid. You will be required to.

(1) Assist in the transfer of the said funds
(2) Advise on lucrative areas for investment

Should you be willing to assist us in this transaction? Your share of the sum will be 30% of the $23.5 Million, 65% for us and 5% for taxation and miscellaneous expenses. To enable us commence, you should provide your phone number for immediate kickoff of this deal if it interests you.my private email:(dr.franklinlehman.ecowas@outlook.com)

Waiting for your positive response.


What do you reckon? 30% of 23.5 USD is around 6.5million EUR - but I guess I would have to give a load in Tax to the French government so maybe it isn't as good a deal as it looks


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It's ever so slightly like the telephone call I received today at around 17h30 when a slow-speaking asian voice (definitely making sure he read the script correctly) said that he was called Kevin and that he was calling from Microsoft. When I replied 'No, you're not from Microsoft' he sounded so surprised and hurt as he protested that he really was.

So I felt really mean when I put the phone down ... but on the up-side he hasn't called back so he must have found someone else to believe him.

It's really hard to disappoint people.


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....and now General Rodriguez has found a shed load of money and gold in a barrel at a farm house and wants to give me a cut. You wait for ages for one scam to come along and then look what happens.

Actually, I might have some fun with this one, lets see how much the Nigerian lads know about Afghanistan



Enter a message to introduce yourself.Dear trusted friend, With due respect to you and your entire family over there, I hope it’s well with you and your family and am wishing your family good health. My names are General David Rodriguez. a United State Army General presently serves here in Afghanistan as the current Commander,International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Commander, U.S. Forces Afghanistan. I am in desperate need of your assistance, I have summed up courage to contact you as my Brother, friend,I am seeking your assistance to move the sum of (USD$ 22.7 Million)Twenty Two Million seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars,to you as far as you will assured me that my share will be safe in your care until I complete my service here in Afghanistan. This is no stolen money and there is no danger involved.Some money in various currencies was discovered in barrel at a farm house in during the presidential general election at the Taliban strong hold during a rescuer operation in the election attack and it was agreed by staff Sgt. Kenneth Buff and I that some part of this money and gold be shared among us before informing anyone about the discovery, this was quite illegal thing to do but I tell you what. No compensation will make it up for the risk we have taken our lives in this hell whole of which my brother in-law was killed by a road side bomb last week. The above figure was given me as my share,but to handle this kind of money here became a problem for me, so with the help of a British contact working here and his office enjoys some immunity I was able to move the money to a security company in the United Kingdom as a diplomatic consignment. They are waiting for me to provide the name of the end receiver who they will deliver the parcel to, as a soldier I cannot present myself as the direct owner of this funds because it against our code of conduct, we are not allowed to do business and the US Government is planting a close watch on all military personnel that is why I need you to help

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[quote user="HoneySuckleDreams"]

....and now General Rodriguez has found a shed load of money and gold in a barrel at a farm house and wants to give me a cut. You wait for ages for one scam to come along and then look what happens.


How come you have all the luck ? I haven't won a Nigerian Lottery in years and I could do with some cash.


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[quote user="suein56"][quote user="HoneySuckleDreams"]

....and now General Rodriguez has found a shed load of money and gold in a barrel at a farm house and wants to give me a cut. You wait for ages for one scam to come along and then look what happens.


How come you have all the luck ? I haven't won a Nigerian Lottery in years and I could do with some cash.



Do London buses come in two's or three's ? or is that a bad simile

I got another one tonight, this one from Libya - there does seem to be an awful lot of gold bars being punted about...Maybe I changed my Skype status to "mug - please scam me" when I wasn't thinking. I should offer 72 virgins for a swap for the gold and to save himself before IS get to him

Dear Friend

It was very nice coming in contact with you  I know that the content of this message will sound odd to you when reading but I wish to
confirm in all honestly that everything you are about to read is truth.

While on an official duty in Libya in 2011 during the unrest in Libya against the former ruler Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, in the house of his defence minister Abu Bakr Yunis Jabr, Myself and another officer cameacross some fortune (funds) and Gold bars loaded in cases.

Due to delicate nature of the country during the war, we were very careful but still did a little to secure some of the money for myself and some Gold bars, then on one of my trip to a West African nation Ghana for an official duty, I managed to move this money and Gold bars to Ghana which I later deposited with a security firm and declared the contents as family treasure meant to be transferred to a family friend, though I never gave any name or contact of intended recipient.

About a week ago, I got an email message from the security company, informing me that the deposited boxes will be confiscated and declared unclaimed deposit and surrendered to the security treasury if they did not hear from me before the end of this month and as things stands now, I cannot abandon my duty here in Syria, hence I started to search for a trustworthy person whom I can communicate with this info and the person can work with me for the release of the boxes containing the fund and Gold and transfer them to your country after which I shall join you when am free from duty bit I wouldn't like to transfer them to USA, not at all, it must be another country.

I will give more details on the amount in the box and the quantity of
the Gold when you reply with interest. please contact me with this Email (
patrickmichaelwalsh380@gmail.com )

Best Regards
Patrick M. Walsh

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