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Not "Happy Easter"


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I have never understood how people can accept both evolution and whichever religion they have chosen (or more likely has been chosen for them).

I have no more idea than the next man or woman if there is some super controlling force - let's call it God - but if an all-powerful God was "good", how come we have had hideous diseases, Adolf H, devastating natural disasters, and Giles Brandreth? I rest my case.
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Quote from Jonzjob

The spirit, not the kind you chuck down yer neque, is a form of energy. As we all know, energy can't be destroyed, changed yes, but never destroyed. So when you pop-yer-clogs your spirit reformed to pure energy and will re-emerge as something different. Energy isn't alive or dead it just is. Therefore there can't be life after death, but your spirit will return. Maybe as a tree or anything.

Nature is such a wonderful thing init

Can I have a reference /proof that a " the spirit" exists and it is a known form of energy (let alone pure whats that ) because I suggest your argument has no foundation
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[quote user="Judith"]Since Good Friday (vendredi saint) is not a JF here in France I will never understand, even though the secular is divided from the religious in this catholic state ... though Easter IS a happy occasion, as the resurection of Jesus from the cross is the basis of the Christian faith, rather than Christmas, which is just the beginning of the story.

Waiting to be "neggied" by those non-religious devotees of this forum.


So only Christians get resurrected? the rest just die off and.........Well it's a good advert to come and join

Most of what is written and taught to children in schools is just to proliferate the club membership and the wars between clubs well documented.  All stories regurgitated to suit book sales and now so many splinter groups we have even more wars than ever.

The pattern of the stories is worse than repeats on the BBC, dare to mention in the USA that Jesus wasn't white could get you in real trouble in some states.

I was asked after being forced in school against my wish to study the subject, I would be taking it up as a subject for O level. Must be joking I replied, I have always wanted to start with the real ancients Babylonian history and then shoot down the others for copyright infringement.

The bible I have always preferred is written by Haynes, in many versions to suit whatever religion you travel by, some of that was fiction as many will testify to.

The real reason Jews don't eat pork was because Tammuz was killed by a pig, now copied by the arch rival in Islam but from Babylonian origin  

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At the tender age of 16 when I joined the R.A.F. as a Boy Entrant and went to start my 18 months training at St Athans I was asked what religion I was. I said that I didn't have a religion. Sunday morning church parade came along and us lot wot didn't have one were told that we were to 'worship' in the Boy's Mess kitchen cleaning out the big aluminium pans. It took longer than the church parade where all you did was sit in the god shop and twiddle yer thumbs, all be it in yer T63 (best blues [uniform]). By the next Sunday we were all CofE. [:-))]

Strange that isn't it [8-)]

Just as a matter of interest. When I left the hole called St Athans I swore that I would NEVER go back and I haven't!

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Now then Teapot, don't put words  into my mouth.  I said the resurrection of Christ was the basis of the Christian faith - not that only Christians could be resurrected.

Faith is just that - you have it or you do not.  Not dissimilar from of the other belief systems already discussed, where some form or other of resurrection is often also believed in.

As ever just pointing out facts, rather than trying to persuade others to my point of view, which on this forum would be pretty pointless anyhow.

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''Just as a matter of interest. When I left the hole called St Athans I swore that I would NEVER go back and I haven't!''

I was once posted to the MU at St Athan. By some fast persuasive talking to the Wing Commander (Eng ) I got the posting cancelled. Unfortunately a friend of mine was posted there instead - he was not a happy teddy at all.
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[quote user="Judith"]Now then Teapot, don't put words  into my mouth.  I said the resurrection of Christ was the basis of the Christian faith - not that only Christians could be resurrected.

Faith is just that - you have it or you do not.  Not dissimilar from of the other belief systems already discussed, where some form or other of resurrection is often also believed in.

As ever just pointing out facts, rather than trying to persuade others to my point of view, which on this forum would be pretty pointless anyhow.


Aw Judith I didn't mean it at you, [kiss] more pointing out that religions tell/frighten people with the torture of hell and damnation for all eternity OR despite being sinners join up at our club and be saved and live on a fluffy cloud watching all the living going about their daily lives. [:)]

I don't have faith in our politicians let alone a few thousand year old story book that unfortunately hasn't yet worked out that dinosaurs existed  a long time before man/women and we both have the same number of ribs unless we are talking cloning the DNA to make Eve, in which case why didn't they just say that. [;-)]

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[quote user="powerdesal"]''Just as a matter of interest. When I left the hole called St Athans I swore that I would NEVER go back and I haven't!''

I was once posted to the MU at St Athan. By some fast persuasive talking to the Wing Commander (Eng ) I got the posting cancelled. Unfortunately a friend of mine was posted there instead - he was not a happy teddy at all.[/quote]

That's not a nice thing to do [:-))] But at least the MU staff were treated as human beings on camp even if off camp was not  pleasant experience..

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