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Well, Wools, I couldn' think of a modest sounding word to replace "buff"[:$]

I have had Beethoven played for many significant events in my life and read the better known biographies.

Didn't want to say "fan" because that sounds so naff and immature so I opted for "follower" as in I follow his music or perhaps it's his music that follows me?[:)]

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I think I have all the symphonies, and I'm not keen on the 9th, the 6th is nice, but I would always listen to the 7th first, then the 5th and then just about any of the others, sauf the 9th.

I listen to Classic FM on the car radio and if I put it on when the 7th is playing, I only near to hear a couple of notes and just know it. Doesn't matter where I am going or doing, unless there is a true emergency will sit in the car until it finishes.

Must admit these days I am developing a great affection for many of the russian composers, but the 7th is still my Number 1!

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I think of Beethoven as a 'head-banger' with whom it would have been impossible to live. Antony Burgess had himm about right in making Alex in a Clockwork Orange a fan.

I do like the Op18 quartets and the Violin Concerto, and a couple of the Piano Concertos particularly N° 4.


Brilliant commentary by Mitsuku Uchida who plays here.

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LOL NH, and that is probably why I love Beethoven's music.

I don't like the 9th because of the choir. Now I cannot say that I don't like all choirs because that would not be true and I have been to a couple of concerts, but as a general rule I avoid them.

In fact the best and worst instrument in the world of music is the human voice. Put on Katherine Jenkins the other night on Sky Arts, horrible horrible, feel the same about Alfie Boe too. Where as Andre Bocelli's voice is so sweet, pure and I just melt. I must mention that I live with a musician who has a wonderful voice, so I am not anti singers, just the ones that hurt my ears!

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Yes, Mint, I did - loved it! For me, along with Berlioz, Beethoven was one of those who moved music up a gear and into the next century.  Can't say I got the puzzles right first time, but then I can read music, but not sight read a tune.  Once I've heard it though - it sticks!

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To Norman, yes that's me, a proper headbanger.  If my dear mother were alive, she'd the first to tell you I'd been a headbanger since I was a child! 

Don't know whether Sibelius attracts headbangers also but I like his music a lot too.

Id, for me, you could not have picked the 3 worst singers imaginable and I understand why you wouldn't be too keen on singers[:P]  That Andreas Bocelli gives me the creeps, the most samey and wooden performer to be one of the world's favourites........so what do I know[8-)]

Judith, another Berlioz lover, fantastic!  If you love les nuits d'été, I must tell you I have ordered Bernarda Fink's version and I'll let you know how it compares to that of Janet Baker's and Ann Sophie von Otter's

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That one is (sadly) not one I know.  I was introduced to the Symphonie Fantastique by school music lessons, and it was the first piece of music I bought on cassette (that dates me!), and then later on whilst still at school, I sang the Requiem in Bradford Town Hall, 2 orchestras and all!  Guess where were were - right above the kettle drums!

However, my classical music tastes are wide, if some what traditional -  except I really cannot bear opera - something to do with the musical voice - à la Idun - not always being as pleasant a hear as it should be. 

I love to sing, but sadly never mastered an instrument, though I come from a very musical family, lots of church organists in the past, and indeed my sister was a professional musician ... and also taught herself several instruments so she could then teach them to others.  Now that's talent!.

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Judith, I'd do a youtube link but I seem to have lost all sound at the moment so I don't want to do one as I can't listen first and choose that for you!

Les nuits d'été consist of 6 songs and, if sung as von Otter does, are sweet and languid and recall, as the title suggests, summer nights.

The words were from 6 short poems by Théophile Gauttier and they are "moody", full of feelings with le spectre de la rose particularly sort of plaintiff and well haunting (what would you expect with ghosts around?[:D])

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Thank you, Norman.

I did say elsewhere I am buying a wifi printer thus freeing desk space for the speakers you have been on at me about for donkey's years.

Then, I'm getting my local nerd er computer man to come and set it all up for me so I am hoping you will be recommending lots of lovely music for all of us on the forum!

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