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Boundary Dispute


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Morning All,

Was wondering if someone out there could point us in the right direction over a small boundary problem.

Eastern boundary of our plot runs along the walls of barns which do not belong to us (nice Dutch neighbours). There is then a gap and the next building is a falling down grange that has been brought by a mad Englishman who has "been doing it up" for the last 3 years.

The dispute is where is the ligne? Our plan de cadastre in the Acte de Vente clearly denotes the line as running along the western side of his wall and then doing a sharp right and running down the southern edge, which is also on the cadastre at the Mairie (same plan). Mad Englishman says no and his is different(can't see how). Hubby has put up Defense d'Entrer and Private Property notices, but Mr. Mad Englishman keeps on taking them down and chucking them back into our garden.

Apart from spending a fortune and calling in a Geometre, is there anyway we can check the deifnitive boundary (apart from the Mairie), i.e. would the Archives be able to help?

Have a good day

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I think a geomtre is the only solution and that he would probably not charge much for an opinion or quote (as opposed to formally determining the boundary).
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Sorry to hear of your problem as this is the worst type of brit neighbour to have in France, a real NIMBY eh! I for one would also spend a bit of money and get a gometre to put bornes in for you and then you have your proof. One good thing though, at least you can have a real good argument with your neighbour without him saying he dosn't understand and if he keeps on, make a complaint to the mairie and they will possibly send him a letter asking him to respect the boundary or else!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Two recent disputes here have cost around 400 euros each as a guide. I do think the only course of action for you is to resort to the geometre and then you will know where you stand - or literally where you can stand!! Our maire has stated to us on another occasion that it is not his job to intervene in neighbourly arguments. He would however, uphold any decision by a geometre.

Good Luck
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