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Why the UK is leaving the EU


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I remember an interviewer asking Priti Patel why she was campaigning for Brexit, and she started talking about Brussels bureaucracy, red tape, etc etc, and the interviewer asked her to give a specific example of over-regulation, and she said "Packaging". So there you are. We are leaving the EU because Priti Patel doesn't like EU rules on packaging. This woman is now a Cabinet minister.
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Well found Norman I thoroughly enjoyed the clip ... it did me good to be reminded of what we had demanded and what we voted for - especially now we are complaining that it is all too much for us and we need to leave.

Like many others I am of the opinion that the EU does need reforming, but from within and that we cannot do after we have left.


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"Like many others I am of the opinion that the EU does need reforming, but from within and that we cannot do after we have left."

I agree, Sue.

The part I still can't understand is why the leaders of both main political parties, neither of whom were fervently openly anti-EU, are now stubbornly plodding on to see it through.

Especially Corbyn, though he might be still more influenced by the views of the late Tony Benn than we realise.

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And the tories will do as their big-shot business backers tell them?  C'est kif kif, non?

Actually, I think it is more of an ideological than practical argument........otherwise I can't for the life of me think of a reason for mass self-harm and collective suicide.

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Apparently because it's a nation of idiots with an inept government.

Led by a prisssy holder of a degree in Geography, followed by no less than 10 with degrees in PP&E/other economics subjects, 4 Historians, 3 Business/Admin types, 2 Lawyers, a Medic, a Mathematician, and little Michael with his English degree.

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Interesting clip, however when it states the 'advances' that the UK have made in the EU, it really should state the UK government has made them.

Matters not whether you vote Conservative or Labour, as these are the two parties which always form the government, both support EU membership, or the smaller ones, Liberal democrats, Green, or SNP, they all support the same.

The only one party who really pushed against the EU is little UKIP, and thanks to the wonderful Mr Farage, he made Dave call a referendum.

Finally the people where given a chance to vote on a subject which controlled their whole lives, and finally a chance to get out of the EU.

So, it was not the UK which pushed for these 'advances' claimed in the video clip, it was the UK government, the real people of the UK chose to leave, as all along they hated it, but this was their first and only chance to do something about it.

For those who ask 'why did they do it', I can only say, if you need to ask the question, you clearly would not understand the answer. :-)
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I think FLABBERGASTED covers what I think about the very idea that it is a bad idea to leave the EU.

We have a swedish friend, and she goes mad about some of the EU regulations, as pre joining the EU, swedish regulations about pollution were very strict. They now use EU regulations and at least where she is from, they are back to the problems they were having, pre their own government making things more stringent.

I have no idea why there is this attitude on here of what feels like to me, 'dread' about leaving.

AND another election about it........... well IF that happens, I shall be campaigning against the EU, that is for sure.

It is not as if this might not have dire effects on,me, us, it certainly could and we could end up moving back to France if our income will be greatly affected. Which would be OK, after all, we have, even now, spent most of our adult life in France.


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[quote user="idun"]

We have a swedish friend, and she goes mad about some of the EU regulations, as pre joining the EU, swedish regulations about pollution were very strict. They now use EU regulations and at least where she is from, they are back to the problems they were having, pre their own government making things more stringent.


That sort of anecdotal "I have a friend who says" may be responsible for false information

Googling I found:

Environmental quality standards for outdoor air are, for different types

of air pollution, either threshold values or air quality objectives.

The standards are either as stringent or more stringent than the

threshold values specified in the EC directive for air quality

source:  https://www.eea.europa.eu/soer/countries/se/air-pollution-national-responses-sweden

Which suggest that the EU puts in place a threshold, but the individual country can choose to use it, or put its own more stringent standards in place

What is there "to go mad about" in that?

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And therein lies one of many fallacies about the EU and its impacts.

So why does Sweden not then revert to its old (supposedly better) standards, which as you rightly say is still within their right?

Well I can only think of one reason. It would make their industries uneconomic against other EU states that subscribe to the EU standard but do not aim to improve upon it.

So what to do? Leave the EU? Well good idea, set your own better standards (which you could have done anyway inside the EU) and lo and behold: You are still uneconomic against those other EU states.

The one thing the EU has done is to at least set a minimum standard, before which states could have done what they wanted - and some did.
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