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unable or unwilling?


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So we don't make a speech in Brussels where it would be an opportunity to earn goodwill by showing respect and a willingness to engage with the people we are negotiating with, who have had a vast burden of time-consuming work dumped on them by Brexit. Instead we make a speech in Florence, not because we've been invited or because it ties in with any other business trip AFAIK, but just simply because we like Florence.

Va savoir.
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Well, Florence IS enchanting at all seasons...........and we already know that this woman ducks every duty no matter how pressing because, as the title of the thread says, she is either unable or unwilling to fulfil it.

Gives important unpopular announcements to other members of her cabinet to make, tv debates to the equally unconvincing Amber Rudd to undertake, rolls out Mogadon Mike (Michael Fallon and, no, not my moniker for him) to appear on Andrew Marr and so on.

As for India and Japan, I thought they have said that they weren't interested in special trade deals with the UK once it's out of the EU?

Have you noticed that, whenever things get hot and uncomfortable at home, Prime Ministers like to go abroad to purportedly bolster our image?

And, as an aside, that unnecessary general election she called cost the taxpayer 140 million;

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If you remember May sent Amber Rudd to stand in for her, despite her father dying just 48 hours before. Also the deal with the DUP may unravel as Gina Miller has challenged the government about this use of tax payers money, which now needs parliamentary approval.
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Jazzer, it's not only Gina Miller challenging this blatant bribe using taxpayers' money to the DUP.

There is another challenge brought by, I think, a Green Party member and paid for through crowd-funding.  This challenge is about Westminster having to be completely impartial when it comes to Northern Ireland politics in order to uphold the Good Friday Agreement.

Clearly, she has no compunction about U-turns, breaking promises, committing illegal acts in order to benefit herself or her party.  By contrast, doesn't seem to care a great deal about the country as a whole and certainly not those "just about managing" in her own repeatedly replayed words from the steps of No 10 when she first stepped into the top job.

IMHO, a thoroughly unprincipled woman! 

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About this speech in Italy - are the Italians particularly interested in Brexit? Maybe they are, but I do get the feeling that some UK sources simply cannot understand that to most of the EU, Brexit ain't news any more. They really do seem to think that the whole of Europe is biting its nails and waiting for the next thrilling instalment of the Brexit saga. Does anyone here have a finger on the pulse in Italy?
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I think the woman is a couple of straws short of a bale.

Yesterday, during PMQ's, someone asked about a problem a constituent had in finding enough people for cleaning and general kitchen work, now that EU immigrants who had done the jobs were leaving.

The answer was "We will just have to make sure enough British people are trained up to do these jobs"

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Nomoss, I can't say I am surprised at that answer of hers.

If you read John Grace's column in the Guardian, you will know that he calls her the Maybot.  Every answer she gives is pre-programmed and she has a range of answers from which to pick.  Can't think on her feet, can't give any off-the-cuff response, no discernible spontaneity, no people skills...........how on earth did such an ghastly and unattractive (I don't mean looks, mind) woman get to be Prime Minister?[+o(]

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ET, I have tried to find out why she is going to Florence, after your question about Italy.  Well, I have read the following article but alas I am STILL no wiser:


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