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Paypal scam?


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We got an email today from what looks like a paypal address (ends  .be which looks suspicious) suggesting that someone was using our account illegally but "we don't think it is you"...

Our computer would not let us open the link (said it was  dangerous).

I have checked our account, from the bookmark I always use, and all seems well.

I am certain that this is a scam.  Not sure if I can forward the email to paypal.

Take care!

Edit: Paypal say please send to  spoof@paypal.com  which I have done.

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Hereford wrote : I am certain that this is a scam. Not sure if I can forward the email to paypal.

You have done the right thing by not opening the link and by forwarding the mail to Paypal .. now you should delete the mail.

These phishing attempts are aimed at trying to part you from your money but they haven't succeeded this time.

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