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Truth is not truth (Rudi Giuliani)


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And yet there is the actual truth too. It exists.

It is just that DJT is not bothered about what he says as long as 'the base' the zealots who are completely blinkered continue to adore  and worship him.

The cleverer followers, well, what are they after, to be omnipotent when all rights are withdrawn, Guiliani fancy himself as the ultimate propagandarist.

Me thinks that DJT, rather fancies himself as an Emperor![:-))]

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WHAT is truth? said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer.

A mixture of a lie doth ever add pleasure. Doth any man doubt, that if

there were taken out of men’s minds vain opinions, flattering hopes,

false valuations, imaginations as one would, and the like, but it would

leave the minds of a number of men poor shrunken things, full of

melancholy and indisposition, and unpleasing to themselves?

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