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Carte de Sejour


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I live in Dept 86. Filled in all the relevant forms a way back in October last year for Cds. Received a letter from Prefecture last week( as did our friends who stay in same dept) stating that there is no need now to have a carte de sejour! We will be issued however with an identity card.
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Well this is a new one. I did wonder if the government here would issue some sort of identification card as it is required now more and more by shops when writing cheques etc. At least you won't have to cart round a very expensive british passport in your back pocket any more.
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  • 1 month later...
We applied for one in January and duly awaited a response - in April we received a letter from the local Marie to say our carte de sejours were ready and waiting, so we went up to collect, however, we had lost the original reciept of application and they refused to hand them over, she telephoned some other district who said we would have to report the loss officially to the genderames, and get a receipt from them as proof we had it - so we trailed down and waited in the reception area, however, they said their was no way they could accept our claim and accordingly would not give us a receipt - so again we drove back to the Marie - explained the position, she then telephoned the main office again and they then said we had to go to St Brieuc and explain the position once again and they would consider giving them permission to release the cartes - what a hassle, I am almost sure that I threw the receipt away when we chased up the cartes in February and the response was that we no longer needed them (I had asked them that at the time of application but they still insisted on the application being done and we had to give all our monetary details to them as a result.

We still have not been to St Brieuc as it is 120 km round trip.
and accordingly the Marie still have our carte de sejours sitting up there.

Why do I want the cartes - well so that I do not have to carry our precious passports everywhere with us.

So the moral of this story is, if you recieve a printed slip as proof of application, for whatever, do not lose it or you will not get whatever it is you have officially applied for.


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