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Where does it stop for Trump?


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I do respect the dead so find the comment and following ones not "right".

I assume therefore that certain people on here are expecting McCain to rise again, perhaps, and be responsible for a few more deaths - few being a lot.

For ebaynut (nutty if I may be so bold):

"This is a definition of right wing - According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics, in liberal democracies; the political right opposes socialism and social democracy. Right-wing parties include conservatives, Christian democrats, classical liberals, nationalists and on the far-right; racists and fascists."

Given that you consider the BBC are lefties then you must be at the very very far right of the spectrum.

I was interested in the definition to say Christians Democrats were right wing.

With the current campaign against Corbyn focused on Zionism this is interesting as 90% of Zionists are the Evangelical (so called) Christians in the US and elsewhere who eventually want Jews to convert to Christianity or .........
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[quote user="richard51"]I suppose its a bit like saying things about people when they cannot defend themselves ie dead. Glad you know what pious means.

Afraid you have diverted from my central comment.[/quote]

What an extraordinary idea, Richard!  Er...........I thought that's what history is about?  "Saying things" about people who are dead?

In any case, I don't think anybody said anything terrible about dead people.  OTOH, they have lots of awful things to say about people who are very much alive, unfortunately, still alive, in some cases?

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He lives in an echo chamber, surrounding himself with people who share his views. If you dissent, you are out and replaced with someone who does. What seems ridiculous to a "sane person" to someone with a different mental state is "normal" behaviour.

If you have every tried to challenge a person suffering from this effect (and I have), you will find their behaviour fits the same pattern every time. From the outside it may seem completely insane, but inside the echo chamber it is completely normal. People enable them, but those close lack the courage to leave on-mass (their jobs and future careers depend on it).

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So its your view that I am insane Lehaut?

Where are you going out to today?

Is it normal to say that a person is not dead, but has gone on holiday?

Anyway the diversions are I suspect from this:

"With the current campaign against Corbyn focused on Zionism this is interesting as 90% of Zionists are the Evangelical (so called) Christians in the US and elsewhere who eventually want Jews to convert to Christianity or ......... ".
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Richard 51 wrote,

For ebaynut (nutty if I may be so bold):

You may indeed be so bold, fill your boots, you can call me whatever you like, so, say about me whatever you choose, I will NEVER hit the report button on you.

I believe in being able to say what you want without censorship. Shame really we don't have the first amendment in the UK.

(However, I must confess, that knowing a certain Ex mod on here gets an email notice which p1sses them off, every time someone does hit the report button, I do find it hard to resist now) ;-)

As for being far right,I would disagree, I would say I am just right!!!!!
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Interesting, relevant article.

Why on earth do people have any respect for him. And why do so-called Christians behave in the way they do, flouting the very basis of Christianity. These are the people stuck in their bubbles.


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I like this quote from Stephen Fry:

ā€œIt's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so f*** ing what."
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Ebaynut wrote:

(However, I must confess, that knowing a certain Ex mod on here gets an email notice which p1sses them off, every time someone does hit the report button, I do find it hard to resist now) ;-)

When this was pointed out a few weeks ago I contacted admin and they have assured me that this has now been stopped. I am little surprised that it was allowed to go on so long.

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[quote user="Lehaut"]He lives in an echo chamber, surrounding himself with people who share his views. If you dissent, you are out and replaced with someone who does. What seems ridiculous to a "sane person" to someone with a different mental state is "normal" behaviour.

If you have every tried to challenge a person suffering from this effect (and I have), you will find their behaviour fits the same pattern every time. From the outside it may seem completely insane, but inside the echo chamber it is completely normal. People enable them, but those close lack the courage to leave on-mass (their jobs and future careers depend on it).[/quote]

Through an unfortunate series of events, and due to Spanish employment laws at the time, I was involved with someone seemingly insane, as a business partner.

Initially he just seemed slightly vague, but after a while he became remote from reality, couldn't remember things for the previous day, lost our money, and came up with stories such as having been an Army captain, working for ITV alongside Lew Grade, sailing the Oceans, and other unlikely tales. He must have been 100 years old! My wife was afraid to be alone with him.

Fortunately, my lawyer had drawn up an agreement which protected me as the original owner, and I was eventually able to dissolve the partnership unilaterally. Actually I handed him a cheque for his share, with a note of what it was for on the back, closed the premises, and took time off until he signed and cashed it.

To my surprise, the man joined another, competing, partnership shortly afterwards.

Around a year later I got a phone call from the senior partner in the group he had joined, asking me why I hadn't warned them about him, to which I replied that they had never asked me. Among other things, he had continually disappeared when supposedly working, and they had complaints from customers that he had stolen money from them, and turned up drunk to meet them.

It was very heartening to get that phone call; I had begun to think my judgement was faulty in getting rid of him.

It turned out he was an unreformed alcoholic, but was expert at hiding his problem most of the time. His female partner was always with him when he was with us, supposedly helping in the office, and we realised that it was she who had kept him in check, as she was not there in his next position.

He eventually started his own business, and seemed to have many satisfied customers - at least I didn't hear any complaints, but then, people don't usually admit to being taken for a ride.

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[quote user="richard51"]Now that is obtuse plus 360 degrees Nomoss.

I was under the impression that Trump was tea-total.[/quote]

Why is he so weird, then?

We didn't know our Mr White was a drinker, either.

Edit: He was definitely a few straws short of a bale, though.

Also, I didn't think Lehaut was only referring to Trump.

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[quote user="richard51"]Now that is obtuse plus 360 degrees Nomoss  ............................[/quote]

Yes, I suppose it is.

It's just that Lehaut's remarks jogged my memory into recalling some repetitive traits and strange mannerisms of my erstwhile partner, Mr White, which I recognise in Trump.

The insanity was the problem, not the booze, which obviously rotted what little brain he started out with, but I'm sure there are other, perhaps hereditary, causes.

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Oh dear, I see your TDS shows no signs of abating, you really must seek professional guidance.

In the meantime I suggest looking at this, it may help, but you will need to view it to the end (its only 3 minutes) to get the message fully.

However, if your sense of humour has evaporated, I would advise caution, I would hate you to be offended . :-)

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