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Surviving a fire


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Strange that some things survive fires and some do not. My daughter’s house has just been nastily damaged by an electrical fire, though thank Bobo noone was hurt, not even the cat though it is though she may have woken up!

So, what survived, right in the seat of the fire, well, it was her Leonard Cohen pictures. Is it possible that the late and great also has powers from beyond the grave that we are only just discovering? Just a thought!
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Knowing my own daughter I would first be asking what the hell was she doing when the fire happened. Secondly why the fire happened and was there any other factors.

Doubt if religion or any pseudo academic singer with business backing had any influence.

If she is ok then no problem IMHO.

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Sorry to hear about your daughter and hope shes ok.

We had a house fire in 2010. Lost everything except 2 dogs and 2 of 3 cats.

I lit the wood burner late afternoon and within an hour the entire house was in flames. The pompiers took 45 mins to arrive by which time it was too late.

No reason why, except something decided to go wrong within the chimney. Fortunately we had good insurance.

I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, it's awful to lose personal memories like photos and jewellery. Some things can never be replaced.

At least my daughter and 4 animals survived, albeit with the clothes we ran out of the house in.
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WB You give the standard response. Your other comments do not add anything - what clue? Why even bring the issue up yourself.

Mogs -did you have proper evidence of maintenance. I ask because it has been an issue in topics on here before and your experience would be useful.

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