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The legal advice on May's deal


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The part on Social Security

Title III of Part Two provides for the protection of rights relating to social security
coordination. It has a separate personal scope to Titles I and II but there is some
overlap between the Titles as those persons who have rights of residence, by virtue
of their falling within Article 10 above, will also be in full scope of Title III for as long
as they retain these residence rights
Articles 30 and 31 provide that Regulat
ions 883/2004 and 987/2009 (‘the
Coordination Regulations’) will continue to apply fully to persons in scope of Article
30 of the Agreement (‘full scope of Title III’). The vast majority of people who fall
within the full scope of Title
II will do so beca
use they are either a UK national
subject to the legislation of a Member State at the end of the
mplementation period
EU Exit: Legal position on the Withdrawal Agreement
or because they are an EU citizen subject to UK legislation at the end of the
mplementation period
. Which legislation a person is subje
ct to is determined by
reference to the rules on applicable legislation in the Coordination Regulations,
which consider, for example whether a UK national is employed or self
employed in
a Member State. The Agreement however makes provision for the Coordin
Regulations to continue to apply also to persons in a number of other specified
border situations. For example, where a UK national is subject to UK
legislation at the end of the
mplementation period
but resident in a Member State.
Third count
ry nationals and stateless persons and refugees who are in one of the
specified situations at the end of the
mplementation period
involving both the UK
and a Member State are also in full scope of Title III. In relation to third country
nationals, the coo
rdination provisions in EU regulations 1408/71 and 574/72
Persons who are in scope of Article 30 of the Agreement for full social security
coordination purposes will continue to benefit from the coordination rules for as long
as they remain without interruption within the scope of that section. This will ensure,
for example, that workers (and their employer) will only pay into one social security
system at a time, and that they will continue to have the right to aggregate
contributions and periods of insured residence for the purposes of meeting different
benefit entitlement conditions. This includes all contributions made both in
the UK and the EU before and after the
mplementation period
, and the rules will
protect the rights that flow from such contributions in accordance with the
Coordination Regulatio
ns (for example certain associated benefits and healthcare).
The Agreement also provides for the protection of EU citizens who have previously
been subject to UK legislation and vice versa but are no longer in that situation
(Article 32(1)(a)). For exampl
e, where a UK national has previously paid social
security contributions in a Member State, those contributions and the rights flowing
from them such as the right to claim certain benefits and receive reciprocal
healthcare will be protected in accordance w
ith the Coordination Regulations. On
receipt of a relevant benefit based on past contributions, associated rights to
benefits under the regulations, including healthcare, will apply to those individuals
(Article 32(2)).
The Agreement also provides for furt
her special situations. For example, a UK
national who is in a Member State for a holiday or for the duration of a course of
study at the end of the
mplementation period
, and who is entitled to a UK European
Health Insurance Card (EHIC), will be able to c
ontinue to benefit from that scheme
for as long as the stay in that state continues. The Agreement also protects the
rights of people visiting the UK or the EU for planned medical treatment, where
authorisation was requested before the end of the
ation period
, so they
are able to commence or complete their treatment.
Article 36 provides that amendments to the social security regulations in the future
will apply to persons in scope of Title III. In relation to certain amendments, this is
the case u
nless the Joint Committee decides otherwise.
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This is vague but might just touch on it:

where a UK national has previously paid social
security contributions in a Member State, those contributions and the rights flowing
from them such as the right to claim certain benefits and receive reciprocal
healthcare will be protected in accordance w
ith the Coordination Regulations. On
receipt of a relevant benefit based on past contributions, associated rights to
benefits under the regulations, including healthcare, will apply to those individuals
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Ne pouvez-vous pas voir la situation dans son ensemble - c’est-à-dire puis-je vivre en France dans les pires circonstances, ou puis-je vivre au Royaume-Uni? Compte tenu de tous les facteurs, il s’agit d’une décision individuelle: voulez-vous vraiment vivre en France?

C'est un détail doux. C'est tout hypothétique.

Dick Smith l’aurait probablement dit plus franchement. Mikie encore mieux.


Isn't google translate wonderful.

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[quote user="NormanH"]
This is vague but might just touch on it:

where a UK national has previously paid social
security contributions in a Member State, those contributions and the rights flowing
from them such as the right to claim certain benefits and receive reciprocal
healthcare will be protected in accordance w
ith the Coordination Regulations. On
receipt of a relevant benefit based on past contributions, associated rights to
benefits under the regulations, including healthcare, will apply to those individuals

(Trying to ignore the village idiot)

Yes, but it's not very specific, especially regarding pensions (which I guess are benefits in current parlance) and their calculation under current rules, which aspect does not seem to be protected.

I'm afraid my old brain has difficulty retaining information presented in this format.

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[quote user="NormanH"]
Yes it even comes up with phrases I haven"t heard in that sense, such as un détail doux...
I would have used 'petit' or "miniscule', but my French is far from perfect...


Maybe you should try Google Translate [;-)]

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